The Game is Self Defeating


Active member
May 4, 2024
I used the free days to play on some accounts that I haven't touched since subs came out. The accounts were empty with some completed and incomplete builds, but are essentially limited to a soul bound short sword. This is what a new player would experience coming into the game for Haven. I proceeded to attempt to do the daily tasks for scoundrels figuring this would be a good way to generate some gold for zero to hero. Boy was I wrong. Both the Fabernum and the Morin'Khur sewers were filled with 5~10 man groups in steel and with pets. I was immediately killed on sight in both areas of the map despite being completely naked. The sewers are supposed to be place where new players can learn the game and experience Nave outside of the Haven experience. SV, you are killing your own game by allowing areas like the sewers to be a place for end game PvP. I have experience, and I know that I can do others things in the game to not get steam rolled. New players do not view the game like this and are just going to uninstall after experiences like this. The sewers and other areas need to allow players to enjoy a small portion of the game without getting curb stomped by people who have been playing for 3+ years.
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
I mean if you're saying that the overall design of the player experience from fledgling to endgame is completely incoherent, then I wouldn't disagree.
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Active member
Dec 2, 2023
The veteran system should be aligned with the clade system. The price to unlock a mastery tree should be significantly reduced. That would retain players better than an 18k grind at clade 19.

You literally need mastery to compete now.. So they're expecting new players to take 20 clades of objective disadvantage before they have a chance to compete.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021


Like I said a million times, remove mastery (and prol clade,) replace with traits you can take at creation or adjust. Let people take like 1 trait per race (so 4,) as well as a few base ones. It would make the game about more than just attribute chasing.

If people want some grind/ long term content, let them have veteran bonuses like vet, supervet, OG, and have those type of bonuses be like... 1+ armor weight, +10 carry weight ( tho arguably carry weight could be given out more liberally,) +2 to max attribute. So, people can have gains and build shit that should be impossible, but they just stacked too many things on top of each other. Absolute fail.

Remove trinkets. Make the game good.

NOBODY CAME BACK?! Maybe they will come back today lul. But I BET THEY WON'T.

A WEEKEND ISN'T LONG ENOUGH. Take a step to fix the game and then offer a free month. Henrik, @Melhisedek HMU I will dev your game for you until it's back on the right track. I'm ready. I woulda done it for free before, but now I'm gonna ask for... 5000 dollars or a lifetime sub of all my accts. haha.

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Active member
May 7, 2022
I used the free days to play on some accounts that I haven't touched since subs came out. The accounts were empty with some completed and incomplete builds, but are essentially limited to a soul bound short sword. This is what a new player would experience coming into the game for Haven. I proceeded to attempt to do the daily tasks for scoundrels figuring this would be a good way to generate some gold for zero to hero. Boy was I wrong. Both the Fabernum and the Morin'Khur sewers were filled with 5~10 man groups in steel and with pets. I was immediately killed on sight in both areas of the map despite being completely naked. The sewers are supposed to be place where new players can learn the game and experience Nave outside of the Haven experience. SV, you are killing your own game by allowing areas like the sewers to be a place for end game PvP. I have experience, and I know that I can do others things in the game to not get steam rolled. New players do not view the game like this and are just going to uninstall after experiences like this. The sewers and other areas need to allow players to enjoy a small portion of the game without getting curb stomped by people who have been playing for 3+ years.
If you were killed, it means the game is getting back to its core... Danger on every corner when you leave town !

I thought you were gonna say that the game was empty, no players anywhere, but instead, you said you met FIVE TO TEN PKs on the roll ?
Amazing !

Let me know if it happens again... I might consider to return to game if things are active, with many players around... Even though I still despise the ammount of Guards outside towns....Argh