TC and Event ideas for more player content and interaction


New member
May 21, 2022
• Territory should be based on towers and keeps. Towers are small outposts that house guards and workers. To capture a tower, a guild must raid the outpost and prevent people from rescuing the outpost over a time period. Players can rob to weaken the outpost and obtain glory and gold, or takeover a outpost which wipes all previous upgrades to it and claims it for their guild. Controlling a tower allows a guild to get supply from it and tax people in the area. It also shows on the map who owns the area, creating a cool territory feeling on who lives in these areas. These towers can be upgraded for better defenses, or bonuses to PVE in the area, like getting more stone from mining, or wood from woodcutting, or higher gold % drop.
- Sieging any TC should show that its being attacked, like houses and strongholds
- Outposts not claimed or untouched would turn to bandit hideouts.
- Also all guilds would have a active time they choose so there are benefits to said guilds in those times. Like sieging them, more might, and outposts become more weaker since they can respond to them.
- I created a map of what it would look like, I removed several supply towers that were too close to make the idea possible and added one on vadda. This idea makes it so smaller guilds can have a stake for their own in a small territory, and fight over control outside towns. This also encourages town fighting. The areas would def change for appropriate approximation.
• Houses need to be more disposable where strongholds are more permanent. Houses are too easy to grief with so they need to be easily sieged if next to another stronghold or keep territory
• The purpose of keeps would be so they are actually cities. Guards have more of a presence, they set their own tax rates for their vendors, and upkeep is lowered within the keep circle. For this reason, guards should only have one bow guard per tower and they come to chase you out to fight. Players would be encouraged to travel to these keep cities cause they would be able to base out of them, if they guild decided to do that. Keeps would have their own broker and veredari, as well as Guards feature to call for guard help in the area, these would be weak guards and it would be two of them at a time, unless near a guard spawner.
• GM's and Community Manager should have more options to play around with events. Like spawning bandits in the wild for an event with bosses. Controlling NPC's and having them say stuff in text to get the player to attend said events. Giving him an account for these tools would make events way cooler.
• For a war remake, it becomes a tug of war between to guilds and whoever wins the war gets a siege bonus and their gold for the war back, which is like 200g. You get a new tab on your guild ui for it, showing how much might your guild gained from the war and how much they took. Which ever side has the most after a month or week, they win. Also outposts and guild guards are the PVE way to win, as they should drop might too.
I think these are really good ideas that can reinvigorate the game. Outposts that players can raid for benefits, keeps becomming cities, and a war system that actually has purpose besides being able to kill without murdercounts. Right now keeps are just bigger strongholds with no way to reduce their circle, towers serve as miniscul purposes for large guilds only, and the war system is dull.
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New member
May 21, 2022
Also naming your keeps/cities and showing them on the map would be cool so players can stop by. As well as guards droping more loot for incentive to raid them.