Risar PvE is better now, but here is some more improvements.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
So after the recent attack speed revert the risars are a lot more fun now due to the challenge of the speed.
It is really good practice for parrying.

But with the half attack speed it was fun being able to parry and fight multiple risars at once.

My suggestion is to make the normal weak risars pull in groups of two but with half attack speed so you can have a variety of fighting two mobs at the same time or one really faster mob at the same camp.

Maybe add a berserkers or two to each camp which will swing at the increased speed so its not just the commander to practice on.
Risar camps pretty quick to solo farm it would also be nice to have some longer time to kill mobs so you do not just sit there looking at a empty camp. Also would be nice if camps were ok for duos instead of being able to quickly wipe as a solo.
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