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Apr 11, 2022
Not being a max build doesnt work in open pvp games. Others games have tried it and failed. You dont have to be a pvp'er. If you are out farming and you get attacked by a guy and try to run and realize he moves 30% faster than you and you have 0 hope to ever fight back or get away, is that fun? There's a ton of moments in this game where you would have got someone, or got away, if you were maxed / the correct build. You need to be max. Little things, liek gaining stam faster while blocking, doign a bit more damage, etc, are the difference between dying and losing all your shit and winning / getting away. Darkfall ROA had the same issue. On launch it was grindy. 95% of nubs quit, because they would just get rolled by someone who does 2x their damage. Along with many other issues. But grind progression in pvp games doesnt work, even if you arent trying to PVP.

In Runescape the wilderness (the pvp area) has combat levels so you can only be attacked by people within your combat range. Open pvp games dont have this. So if you arent max you are gimped. Which makes it really fun when you arent even a PVP'er and are also at a big disadvantage and put up 0 fight.
Problem with your theory here is it assumes you have zero recourse, in this game as it stands you are not constantly thrust into danger at all times.
This is especially true as you start to learn the ropes of the game and understand more how to avoid conflict.

the problem you are talking about really only comes into play in two circumstances for most people (after perhaps an initial learning period).

First One being if you are careless and don’t know how to avoid people on the roads to dangerous areas.

and the second is if you bite off more than you can chew in pvp fights/ constantly seek out people to kill early on and are reckless about it.

Obviously there will be outlier situations where you might get unlucky, but as a general rule of thumb you can have a decent idea on how to avoid people and who will be an easy vs hard target in pvp.


I think the mistake some of you guys are making with your lazer focus on the one aspect of the game, being that of the full loot pvp that is entrenched in the game design ( which admittedly is a selling point of the game and a major feature) is that you completely forget (as I said) that this is also an RPG.

As far as I can see it and what I think is obvious is that the game doesn’t expect you to or even want everyone to immediately/always jump in and be on an equal ground with everyone else and fight everyone every time.

instead what makes the game interesting and engaging is how as a new player you actually are forced to learn about the world and it’s guilds and the names of players.

to succeed in the game i think you have to understand who will fight you and who will help you.

the games main focus is in my opinion is on player interaction. Not pvp, not rp, not pve.

the main development philosophy I have seen parroted time and time again from heinrik is that of a game that is a player driven sandbox.

that means all the mechanics should some how support player interaction to be successful.

and yes I can see that a number of people will want that player interaction to be a focus solely on being as evenly matched as possible to the people they would fight.

but To ignore any other form of interaction that can be put in the hands of players as tools would be foolish because it removes so many possibilities and experiences that are genuinely enjoyable.

if everyone is perfectly capable of defending themselves at all times then the idea of playing as a defender of defenseless people would belost to a large degree and that is fun.

there are really countless examples as to why having a diversity of levels, and a diversity of focus are valuable.

swimming for instance is obvious,making it take time will actually force players to avoid water and give an advantage to those who focus on it. If I know I am going somewhere that will have lots of water I want to bring someone who is able to swim better than those who haven’t.

if I wanted to be an assassin and plan a getaway perhaps I would look at my strengths and work around it.