Regarding Alv OPness:


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
One of the reasons that Alv is OP is because they can reliably outrun *some* mobs (with buffs,) where as NO OTHER BUILD including lean khurite can... that's WACK. Big balance issue and it's a PvE example, but it gives you a good idea of the speed difference.

Again, they nerfed the speed curve in MO1 to balance alv. Didn't want those 272 kids. Am I trippin or did they really run 272 at one point? I swear they did haha. But, they are still using the speed curve and they gave buffs to alv + actives that make them as stupid as they were w/ speed. And everyone else is still muddied in a 'doesn't matter THAT MUCH' ball of 243-248.


Active member
Aug 13, 2020
they ran like almost 300 in dawn, they were way faster than other races to the point their jog nearly matched thur khur sprints. and hp gap? they only took like 1-2 less hits to kill 😂 😂 😂 😂
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