New Bounty Hunter Algorithm (with code and graphics) ez to implement fast


Dec 20, 2023
mortal online 2 new barbarians bounty hunter system-min (1).png

Proposed Improvement for the Bounty Hunter System in Mortal Online 2

Currently, many bounty hunters capture players who are AFK inside strongholds or houses, which devalues the experience and frustrates players looking for PvP. To address this issue and make the feature more engaging, I suggest an improved algorithm that will revolutionize how bounty hunters operate.

What's wrong today:​

  • Low mobility targets: Many targets are inactive in safe locations like houses or strongholds, making the hunt ineffective and frustrating for players seeking action.
  • Repetitive targets: Hunting the same player multiple times or players with little activity decreases the excitement and challenge.
  • Lack of meaningful incentives: The absence of significant rewards makes the bounty hunter mechanic lose appeal among the PvP community.

How the suggested changes improve the game:​

  1. Dynamic and organic PvP: The improvement in the bounty hunter mechanic will attract top PvP players, who will now have clear incentives to hunt active player killers. This means less frustration for those looking for challenging fights and more real PvP in less time.
  2. Reduced griefing of new players: With top PvP players focused on hunting PKs, griefing of new players will decrease, as skilled fighters will be occupied with meaningful targets.
  3. Attracting new players: A well-implemented bounty hunter system, with intelligent target selection and meaningful rewards, will be a huge draw. Many players have a "bounty hunter" fantasy, inspired by western movies, and a game that executes this correctly will be irresistible to that audience.

New Bounty Hunter Algorithm​

The algorithm will be optimized to find targets based on parameters that indicate activity, danger, and proximity. Each search will return 5 appropriate targets based on the following variables:

  • moving_last_hour: Distance (in meters) the red player moved in the last hour.
  • inside_house_last_hour: Time (in minutes) the red player spent inside a house or stronghold in the last hour.
  • kills_last_hour: Number of kills committed by the red player in the last hour.
  • distance_km: Current distance (in kilometers) of the red player from the bounty hunter.
  • possible_helpers_nearby: Number of allies, friends, or guild members near the red player within a 500-meter radius.
  • killed_today: Number of times the red player has been killed today.
  • killed_by_me_week: Number of times the bounty hunter has killed the red player this week.
  • not_from_my_guild_and_aly: Boolean, true if the red player is not from the bounty hunter's guild or alliance.

Algorithm Logic:​

  1. not_from_my_guild_and_aly must be true.
  2. killed_by_me_week, killed_today, and possible_helpers_nearby should be as low as possible to prioritize new and challenging targets.
  3. distance_km: The closer, the better to promote fast action.
  4. kills_last_hour and moving_last_hour: Targets that have caused more deaths and moved more will be prioritized to ensure active and dangerous targets.
  5. inside_house_last_hour: Targets that spent less time in safe locations will be prioritized, encouraging an active and dynamic hunt.
Additionally, the system will have a 30-minute cooldown between searches, ensuring the selection process isn’t overexploited. The information displayed about the targets will include: character photo, guild, kills_last_hour, moving_last_hour, and how many hunters have already attempted to claim the bounty.

Suggested Code: C++ Function for Bounty Hunter Target Selection​

Here’s the C++ function that receives five bounty hunter target suggestions based on the defined parameters:

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

// Define a struct to store the red player's data
struct RedPlayer {
    std::string name;
    std::string guild;
    int moving_last_hour; // meters moved in the last hour
    int inside_house_last_hour; // minutes inside a house or stronghold in the last hour
    int kills_last_hour; // number of kills in the last hour
    int distance_km; // distance in kilometers
    int possible_helpers_nearby; // number of allies/friends within 500 meters
    int killed_today; // number of times killed today
    int killed_by_me_week; // number of times killed by the hunter this week
    bool not_from_my_guild_and_aly; // true if not from my guild/alliance

// Function to compare two players based on our criteria
bool comparePlayers(const RedPlayer& a, const RedPlayer& b) {
    // If player is not from my guild or alliance, prioritize
    if (a.not_from_my_guild_and_aly != b.not_from_my_guild_and_aly) {
        return a.not_from_my_guild_and_aly;
    // Prioritize based on the number of times killed this week (lower is better)
    if (a.killed_by_me_week != b.killed_by_me_week) {
        return a.killed_by_me_week < b.killed_by_me_week;
    // Prioritize based on the number of times killed today (lower is better)
    if (a.killed_today != b.killed_today) {
        return a.killed_today < b.killed_today;
    // Prioritize based on the number of possible helpers nearby (lower is better)
    if (a.possible_helpers_nearby != b.possible_helpers_nearby) {
        return a.possible_helpers_nearby < b.possible_helpers_nearby;
    // Prioritize based on distance (closer is better)
    if (a.distance_km != b.distance_km) {
        return a.distance_km < b.distance_km;
    // Prioritize based on kills in the last hour (higher is better)
    if (a.kills_last_hour != b.kills_last_hour) {
        return a.kills_last_hour > b.kills_last_hour;
    // Prioritize based on time spent inside a house (lower is better)
    if (a.inside_house_last_hour != b.inside_house_last_hour) {
        return a.inside_house_last_hour < b.inside_house_last_hour;
    // Prioritize based on movement in the last hour (higher is better)
    return a.moving_last_hour > b.moving_last_hour;

// Function to get the top 5 bounty targets
std::vector<RedPlayer> getTopBountyTargets(std::vector<RedPlayer>& redPlayers) {
    // Sort the redPlayers based on our comparison criteria
    std::sort(redPlayers.begin(), redPlayers.end(), comparePlayers);
    // Return the top 5 results (or less if fewer players are available)
    std::vector<RedPlayer> topTargets;
    for (int i = 0; i < 5 && i < redPlayers.size(); ++i) {
    return topTargets;

Explanation of the C++ Function:​

  • Struct Definition: The RedPlayer struct stores all the necessary variables for each red player, including movement, kills, proximity to the hunter, and guild information.
  • Comparison Logic: The comparePlayers function defines how to prioritize the bounty targets. It uses the criteria outlined (guild, kills, distance, etc.) to compare two players.
  • Target Selection: The getTopBountyTargets function sorts the list of potential targets and returns the top 5, prioritizing based on the defined rules.

Other Suggested Improvements:​

  1. Reduce the number of "Murder Counts" to 3: This will encourage more players to turn red and seek PvP responsibly, knowing they can avoid murder counts by using the /duel command for consensual fights.
  2. New Rewards: Bounty coins should offer meaningful rewards such as:
    • 10 ravens
    • 100 bandages
    • 200 arrows
    • Potions with 40 units (with 3dh)
    • Kits with reagents for ecumenical and elementalism
    • Other items like Cuprum Rechard and community suggestions.
  3. New Titles and Capes: Add personalized titles and capes, like a white cape or cloak for players who complete over a thousand bounty hunts. This will give long-term recognition to those who consistently participate in the system.

These changes will transform the Bounty Hunter system in Mortal Online 2 into one of the most dynamic and attractive features, promoting quality PvP, significant rewards, and creating an engaging gameplay cycle for the community.
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New member
Mar 25, 2024
Well, I had other things in mind, but this one could work.

For sure this system should be tested in order to conclude something, but I believe you could add weights (multipliers) for each paramater according to their relevance in order to improve the method, literally normalize all the parameters between ]0,1]. I'm afraid with no weights in the algorithm, we might have some problems to track red players with specif behaviors in certain areas.
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New member
Mar 25, 2024
Since this is a forum and many of the guys here are not familiar with programming, for obvious reasons I won't do code. However, I would like to give some ideias to SV about how to improve the same method.

First of all, you should define what criterias (parameters: kills_last_hours, distance_km, ...) are really relevant for the method. The example above is just an example to highlight the idea. Among the many techniques to do that, I woul like to recommend one of easiest called DEMATEL, which serves as an aid to identify cause and effect in systems

With the criterias already defined, the next step is to define weights normalized ]0.1[. For that, I will first reccomend the AHP, since its is the most basic stuff that even people who don't know linear algebra are able to understand. For those who know, you will see this a real application case eigenvector and eigenvalue. I strongly recommend everyone watch at least this tutorial with the creator.

I preffer to use other methods such as TOPSIS and Physical programming, the last one being the divider of boys and men, and mainly framworks combining all those methods. Either way, don't understimated those basic techniques of Multicriteria Decision making and Optimization. They are more than capable of building a robust and effective method for the same proposed solution.

With that in mind, the last part of the code could be and indice like that:

target_prioritie = w1*c1 + w2*c2 + w3*c3 + ... + wn*cn

Where C are the criterias and W their individual weight.

There are more elegant ways to develop an indice using other multipliers and divisors, but there is no point explaining more here, mainly because I don't know who will be able to understand... I'm talking about that because a few days ago I had a problem with some "flat earthers" in Mo2 Official discord, who don't believe mind is mechanic in game, and yes. it works. I mean, how can i show graphics and evalutions if people simple don't know how to interpret it and basic statisc stuff!?

I would be glad to explain a bit more if some member of SV is intereseted, but I doubt they will... After all they only care about Creators' opinions, right? I would like to ask for you players, if at least someone already got a msg from SV about your feedbacks in PTR? I mean, they always ask your discord user, but i never got a message... Maybe all my feedback is just bad... Who knows,,,
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Active member
Dec 2, 2023
The main issue with the bounty hunting system is the number of players. You run a bounty, 99% of the time, it is some guilded coward (fake red). So you now have to take on a guild with two people.

Others have no incentive to join you unless you pay out of your own pocket. Not really a good option, as you can't really trust anyone.

You should be able to get a group together on a single bounty, since 99% of bounties are no on their own.

The game has a serious issue with providing incentive for people to gather up and kill player bandits. So it just allows weird edgelord types to team up on people all day because they get their lunch money stolen in RL.

A sheriff system, or a group bounty system is needed BADLY. If there is any issue you need to focus on, it is that one.