Modular HUD / UI Skins - Improve ugly UI and potential money maker


Dec 17, 2021
A lot of people agree the current HUD/UI sucks.
Instead of just tweaking it, design a new modular UI system that can be themed. Make a default theme that is clean and minimalistic.

SV can now make a new HUD which should mostly just be design work (could even be outsourced to external agencies) and use it for things like Twitch Drop promotions for special events or to include with supporter packs in addition to or instead of capes.

Players will want to collect rare and unique HUDs so the videos they upload look cool and different or just for completionist collection, so they could be sold as a cosmetic to generate a ton of revenue for a small amount of work to make each one.

QOL improvement for players and new revenue boost for SV = win-win