March 2023 Ban Report


Community Manager
Staff member
Dec 9, 2021

March 2023 Ban Report

It has been a very busy month for our GMs. Starvault have been getting attacked via DDOS and have had a wave of hackers decide to come to Nave.

172 accounts were banned this month.

124 accounts were banned for hacking. For a bit of insight, these numbers rarely include alt accounts that get “silent” banned. These hacker numbers are always deflated month to month. This is an ongoing fight that the Devs and GMs improve on day to day. It is always safe to assume that more than the reported numbers are removed. This has been like this since the ban reports started. We felt to let you know for a bit of knowledge.

37 accounts were banned for breaking the communication policy. One of these accounts were banned back in December for the same thing. They are now on strike 2. This number has been growing unfortunately. The good news is that it is rare for an account holder to repeat their mistake and break the communication policy a second time. Please review our communication policy here. Be kind to your fellow players and remember it is only a game.

9 accounts were banned for Combat Logging. Combat Logging includes the circumventing of the logout timers or restrictions. These players are exploiting these to get passed these restrictions to gain an advantage or to save themselves.

2 accounts were banned for exploiting. One of these accounts decided to try again and was given a second strike.

Based on the information above, 2 account holders were reoffenders.

Reddit Bans

On our subreddit we only banned 2 members for abuse/harassment.

Image here: