Make your own parry sound a bit different


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
The situation: both you and your opponent have swings charged. You decide to pull it off, hit and immediately parry. So you release your swing.

What the game shows you: the enemy plays "got hit" animation and sound, a fraction of a second later you hear parry sound.
What you think has happened: you landed a hit and immediately parried like a pro
What actually happened: you got parried and riposte is incoming.

I happens ALL the time. I got sort of used to it but it's still confusing af. The game's literally lying to you. I know it probably can't be fixed and is likely a ping issue, but can we pretty please at least have a slightly different sound when we parry, so that situations like that are less confusing?
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New member
Apr 2, 2022
Their sound design need a lot of love in general.
Need better attenuation curve on thing like a player unholstering his weapon. The static ambiance sounds that are litterally box colliders with sound triggers, without any attenuation, and so on.

Sound design in a multiplayer game is hard, especially with the principle of earing what the other are earing in a different perspective, but it's mandatory and would add a lot more immersion and tools for the player to recognize certain situation like to who belong this parry sound in a combat.

I could go on forever on the audio of the game but yeah, as every game company, audio is often the last thing in the list to get proper coding and polish.
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