Let's Enhance the PvP Experience in Mortal Online 2 with a Heatmap Feature!


Dec 20, 2023
mo2-barbarians-heatmap (1).png

Imagine this: a heatmap displayed directly on the game's map or on a billboard in every city. This heatmap will show hotspots where recent murders have occurred, giving players a clear sense of where the action is! The size of the circles will depend on the number of murders in a particular area over the last 4 hours, and the color gradient, from dark red to yellow, will indicate how recent the killings were. The darker the red, the more recent the murder, while yellow will mark older incidents.

⚔️ Why this is a game-changer:

  • PvP enthusiasts will know exactly where to go for battles! No more wandering around aimlessly; just head straight to the red zones and engage in combat where the action is happening!
  • New players will have the tools to avoid these dangerous areas, giving them a better chance to develop without being constantly hunted. This is a win-win for both veterans and newcomers alike!
  • This system will force red players (player killers) to move more, leaving the safety of their homes and expanding their patrol zones, making the world feel more dynamic and alive!
I’ve seen a similar system in a hardcore full-loot PvP game, and it dramatically improved the experience! Players knew where to go for PvP, creating more engagement and intense battles. Newbies had a chance to avoid high-risk areas, and it created a natural flow in the game's world, driving organic PvP encounters and more strategic gameplay.

🔄 How it works:

  • The game will only mark a murder on the map when the killed player resurrects at a priest and reports the killer. This adds a layer of immersion, as players must actively choose to reveal the danger zone.
  • The heatmap updates every 5 minutes, ensuring that the information remains fresh without putting too much load on the server. This balance keeps the game smooth while providing real-time, actionable data to players.

💡 Your thoughts matter! Let’s discuss and refine this idea together to help create the best MMO ever. Mortal Online 2 has incredible potential, and with community-driven features like this, we can shape it into an unforgettable experience.

🔥 Share your feedback, suggest tweaks, and let's make Mortal Online 2 the ultimate PvP playground!

With these changes, we’ll empower players, create more dynamic encounters, and ensure everyone can enjoy the game at their own pace. Let’s bring this idea to life!