Help chat bans for little to no reason


New member
Feb 15, 2023
I was help chat banned permanently for no reason at all because apparently it was my "4th strike" which includes a previous ban for asking about pc hardware trouble with the game which apparently was not a "help question" and then followed by a perma ban for asking someone to stop spamming help chat and simultaneously asking my own question which was being ignored because of the spam. I am also losing hope on mortal. I asked for an escalation but they claim that once your ban is perma, they will never investigate further. Screenshots below.

I have not heinously misused(as I see others do constantly and never end up banned btw, usually high profile people like barados etc, no offense to them) their chat, 2 bans early on were probably me irresponsibly laughing at someones jokes they spammed in help. A perma ban from help is a seriously hindering thing for your account. Help chat is necessary to ask minor questions about damage calculation and skill applications and losing that has screwed me out of a resource everyone else has. It is preposterous.

It is obvious that in both gameplay and management this game has people slipping through the cracks, and once a player is gone, its hard to bring them back. I am already feeling fatigued due to this chat ban and the gameplay problems have a much higher chance of pushing me away now that I can't even ask questions about some of the broken mechanics in game to better my gameplay. I am very upset.

Someone had mentioned there was a way to sort for specific types of trinkets on the market, I was trying to get an answer for how you do that. Perma banned, refused to lift ban during appeal. So yea, very upset. Don't know where else to turn. You can clearly see that tons of people are misusing the chat and I am definitely not. They continued to talk after this, unbanned, yet I received a ban for a legit question. If it was accidental, fine, but in my appeal I was told they will not evaluate further and that is why I am angry.


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New member
Feb 15, 2023
Not to mention, even while banned I dedicate my time to answering others questions and helping new players regularly. I just have to PM them. -_-
This is so frustrating. If they looked at my chat history they would see that, but I guess they refuse.