Healing needs a BIG Nerf


Active member
Dec 2, 2023
Do you like fighting people whereby, the moment there is a tiny gap in combat, they're back to full health in a couple of seconds? Do you like stalemate fights where there is no clear end in sight until someone runs out of reagents?

Does that feel immersive? Does that feel fair? Does that feel fun? Do your efforts feel rewarded?

To all questions, the majority collectively answer "NO!"

It is MASSIVELY annoying in a game where landing a hit in the first place can be somewhat of a challenge, due to how janky the game is, the movement speed, the blocking. Then add a layer whereby they can regen to full health near instantly in that tiny gap.. You've created a recipe for frustration.

I think the only "class" that really doesn't have to worry much about self healing are melee foot fighters with high movement speed; and also, to a lesser degree, pet users.

Line of sight + Near instant, persistent and cheap self healing

This counters all ranged builds. Once someone has a rock or a tree to run around, they're not dying. Not unless you move your ranged self into melee range, where you will most certainly die.

If you're fat and slow, you're not catching them whilst they jog away and bandage back to full.

You can't corrupt them, because purify is cheap and accessible for low investment.

It is easier to heal yourself than it is to hit an opponent.

Compare how easy it is to heal oneself to how hard it may be to land a hit on someone, you immediately see a problem. You also see an even bigger problem should they be wearing armor, whereby each heal is worth more due to the higher defense. You press a button, you regain health. No aiming required. Meanwhile, to hit the opponent, you have to be in proximity AND you have to aim. So already there are two skill barriers; where as self healing has ZERO barriers (unless you want to pretend pressing a key is a barrier).

It is also insulting to the one who has to land the hit, that their work can be so easily overwritten.. It just all adds to the frustrating experience that is the combat in this game. It does not FEEL fair, and people hate unfairness; it is built into us to be repulsed by it.

Self Healing Takes Minimal Investment.

Magic healing in particular should require a serious dedication to healing in terms of stats, it shouldn't be something just anyone can take. Like... Why is Ecumenical all under one primary? It should be 200 skillpoints to be able to heal like that. One for damage, then a child category for healing. It should require like, 75 ecu to unlock the sub category healing skill, and then the best heals in the healing skill should be very high end of said skill. You're literally just letting anyone having healing as it currently is. It is just too accessible. Also, maybe add some AoE healing spells to ecumenical to make the 200 primary points feel more worth it. To make it feel more like a real dedicated healer. A big AoE heal that you get at 100 in healing.. Full 200 point investment.. Obviously make the spell costly to use.

If we're talking about bandages? They should equate to a faster form of resting. People jogging around and putting bandages on is ridiculous.. Really stupid design. Potions? I've never used them, but people say they're broken; so nerf them too. A bandage should have a long cast, and you should have to be still. It should be interruptible. As i said, it should just be a faster form of resting, where it uses a bandage to speed up the process.

"Just Use Corrupt!!!"

Right, then they purify, which is a quick and cheap cast. Pointless.

Again, corrupt is another one of those pointless skills that is easily thwarted from minimal investment. It shouldn't be easy to purify yourself, given that corrupt literally is the counter to healing.. What is the point if they can just turn it off for basically no investment? Again, it should take investment in skill points to remove it. Stop just giving this stuff away to anyone.

In Conclusion...

There needs to be an end to this constant self healing nonsense mid combat.. Only a significant stat investment should allow one to heal in combat. You should have to be DEDICATED to even be able to heal another person and yourself with magic. You don't just give it away to anyone, especially not to plated thursars who can purify themselves 11 times.. LOL it is so stupid.

All healing mid combat does is make ranged damage types AND slow moving melee users less viable, unless supplemented with a pet. The game shouldn't be about doing constant damage till eventually they lose their health bar, and one moment of downtime means they go back to full health. NO, that is ridiculous.

DAMAGE MUST STICK if you want people to not feel frustrated by this stupid stalemate combat system we currently have. Right now, dealing damage is so unrewarding. Poor archers are a laughing stock because of this.. Healing can literally outheal arrows by just standing there in armor self healing. No threat at all. TERRIBLE design.

The damage needs to stick until they're out of combat.. If they find a moment behind cover to heal themselves with a bandage (with a long cooldown), whilst stationary, with a longer cast, then fine; make bandages a faster form of resting. But jogging around drinking potions and putting on bandages.. Healing magic for everyone.. No. It has to go. The combat in your game is just frustrating, and forces people to play in really lameout ways, like with pets etc...

Lastly, the people against this idea? They don't have what is best for the game in mind, but what is best for themselves and their build. You have to ignore all of the people coming from a position of selfishness. They want to have easy heals, and be able to do everything else. They won't willingly choose to make the game more difficult for themselves, even if it is better for the game overall. Ignore these people at all costs; they have nothing to add. The same thing happened with pets, everyone who used them jumped to defend their brokenness, and it ruined the game.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
I agree that self healing is quite outrageous. Take a Oghmirs for example. Not only can they wear the heaviest armor in game, but also they can pop pipe, bandage, potion and be back to full hp in like 10 seconds.

Bandages heal for too much and can be used too often. Pots heal for too much in one shot. Class healing abilities are too strong. HP food is too strong. And all of this can be used on the run.

Im not going to condone an Ecu healing nerf, because mages have to basically stand still to cast healing spells. That in itself its a huge handicap. You can prevent a mage from healing by simply running at him.


Active member
Dec 2, 2023
I agree that self healing is quite outrageous. Take a Oghmirs for example. Not only can they wear the heaviest armor in game, but also they can pop pipe, bandage, potion and be back to full hp in like 10 seconds.

Bandages heal for too much and can be used too often. Pots heal for too much in one shot. Class healing abilities are too strong. HP food is too strong. And all of this can be used on the run.

Im not going to condone an Ecu healing nerf, because mages have to basically stand still to cast healing spells. That in itself its a huge handicap. You can prevent a mage from healing by simply running at him.
I'm not suggesting it be nerfed in terms of mobility, it really should have a cost and accessibility nerf though. 4 mana is the cost of a splash.. Like, that is WAY too low.

Heals can be as they are, but they need to be walled off behind skill investment, or everyone can use them. Which is how it currently is.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I'm not suggesting it be nerfed in terms of mobility, it really should have a cost and accessibility nerf though. 4 mana is the cost of a splash.. Like, that is WAY too low.

Heals can be as they are, but they need to be walled off behind skill investment, or everyone can use them. Which is how it currently is.

In some games, spells have cooldowns. Lesser is a fun skill based thing in a group fight, but maybe it should cost different mana on yourself?

It is funny to be like VVVVVV and watch your dude do jazz hands and heal yourself to max.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Heals can be as they are, but they need to be walled off behind skill investment, or everyone can use them. Which is how it currently is.

"Everyone can use them"? Yes, with about 350 primary points in total for max Vitalism, Metal Training and Mental Offense and for at least 40 points in Ecu Spells.

Sorry, I can't follow this arguments.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
"Everyone can use them"? Yes, with about 350 primary points in total for max Vitalism, Metal Training and Mental Offense and for at least 40 points in Ecu Spells.

Sorry, I can't follow this arguments.
I have to agree with Xunilla here. Magic healing requires plenty of primaries to be useful. You have to seriously gimp your foot fighter to have magic healing AND you wont have much mana to sustain that healing if you are wearing any decent armour. Also you have to stand still to do it which is very hard in pvp.

Bandages only require 1 primary.
Potions dont require anything.
Clades (like pipe, and stig) don't require anything.
Food doesnt require anything.

These are types of healing that are way too strong especially when combined together.
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Active member
Jul 19, 2022
I agree to an extent.
Magic healing isnt really the problem for Archers tho. It's simply Heavy Armor being way too strong against it. Wearing a shield and heavy armor takes NO skill, takes only 200 primary points and simply hardcounters Archers. If we now just add all the "non magic" healing on top, i also cant see how an Archer will be able to do anything.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
Magic healing is fine, a foot fighter can just pressure you and you wont have enough distance to constantly heal.
Bandages didnt need the buff for 40hp always, but theyre not a big issue.

The problem is insta heal pots and heal food IMO
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Magic healing is fine, a foot fighter can just pressure you and you wont have enough distance to constantly heal.
Bandages didnt need the buff for 40hp always, but theyre not a big issue.

The problem is insta heal pots and heal food IMO
It’s fine since we can swing 7 kg weapons like flake. Jk it’s still trash.

I wonder why hybrids aren’t viable weird
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Active member
Dec 2, 2023
"Everyone can use them"? Yes, with about 350 primary points in total for max Vitalism, Metal Training and Mental Offense and for at least 40 points in Ecu Spells.

Sorry, I can't follow this arguments.
Yea, let's just keep playing where everyone can endlessly heal. That doesn't result in a completely horrific and tedious gameplay experience.

350 points? You don't need vitalism, so take that out.

You don't need max mental training or mental offense, so again; you can reduce that.

We're talking about "min/maxing" and hybrid healing. People are running around in plate healing themselves endlessly. It is bad gameplay. They are putting in as many points as they need. Not 100 in everything. Why would you ever think they're going 100 in everything?

That is what they SHOULD have to do, but they aren't. Hence why i said it is too accessible.

You do NOT need 350 points, nowhere near. This is a fabrication or a misunderstanding.

Now that i've explained it for you, perhaps you can follow it now. I won't; go into the other healing types, as others have already covered them.

I get that people who play these cheap hybrid everything builds want to covet their broken heal spam, but i'm sorry, it spoils the game and just doesn't yield good gameplay. It leads to endless stalemates; which are dull.


Active member
Jul 19, 2022
Yea, let's just keep playing where everyone can endlessly heal. That doesn't result in a completely horrific and tedious gameplay experience.

350 points? You don't need vitalism, so take that out.

You don't need max mental training or mental offense, so again; you can reduce that.

We're talking about "min/maxing" and hybrid healing. People are running around in plate healing themselves endlessly. It is bad gameplay. They are putting in as many points as they need. Not 100 in everything. Why would you ever think they're going 100 in everything?
Id say they ARE going 100 in Vitalism, Mental Training and Mental Offense because they can. Without Mental Offense their lesser heals would heal for 10 to 16 maybe, and i bet they all heal for about twice as much. With trinkets granting 120+actionpoints and mastery there is nothing that stops people from getting really effective hybrid builds.
If you're a mage you simply shouldnt be able to run around in heavy gear. Maybe str. requirements on shields and more weight on some armors than you can realistically get (so you're a bit slower than someone without 70%+ physical dmg reduction) would finally get some balance into the game.
As it is right now, your build decides most of the battles, actual skill oftentimes doesn't. And the builds are ridiculous.
Max dmg, max health, max armor, good self healing, almost 400stamina, good at mounted and footcombat, probably with a pet. There is no downside to some builds. Even as a skeletal mage it's getting hard to cut through the vast amounts of HP and Healing without wasting ALL of your mana on a single opponent. Mind you that "opponent" can end me with one or two swings of his axe. So he can screw up about 10 times, i can't make a single mistake.
And the WORST THING is that if you manage to get the upper hand A LOT of people start to cheat. Got gapclosed by a Thursar yesterday while having 144 dex and both alvarin buffs active. Guess its the high skill melee combat that got me there.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Right, without vitalism and mental focus & offence you spare 300 points, but you can cast maybe 5 lesser heal with each 10-15 HP until you are out of mana. That's less than two bandages! And you can't move while casting. And each hit would interrupt the casting procedure.

Btw, a foot fighter with 25 lg armor shouldn't be able to run with almost the same speed as a mage with 4 kg armor! The speed difference should be 30-50%!


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
Right, without vitalism and mental focus & offence you spare 300 points, but you can cast maybe 5 lesser heal with each 10-15 HP until you are out of mana. That's less than two bandages! And you can't move while casting. And each hit would interrupt the casting procedure.

Btw, a foot fighter with 25 lg armor shouldn't be able to run with almost the same speed as a mage with 4 kg armor! The speed difference should be 30-50%!
They tried this in MO1, and everyone stopped using heavy armor. So then they scrapped that idea and they made it so heavy armor would lower your stam regen. That also had the same effect, and people stopped using heavy armor. Speed is too crucial in pvp.

Heavy armor isnt the problem. The problem is when you can wear heavy armor AND heal almost as much as a mage thats wearing nothing, and you can do this while moving.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
They tried this in MO1, and everyone stopped using heavy armor. So then they scrapped that idea and they made it so heavy armor would lower your stam regen. That also had the same effect, and people stopped using heavy armor. Speed is too crucial in pvp.

Heavy armor isnt the problem. The problem is when you can wear heavy armor AND heal almost as much as a mage thats wearing nothing, and you can do this while moving.
Pots and food are the real problem
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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
Yea, let's just keep playing where everyone can endlessly heal. That doesn't result in a completely horrific and tedious gameplay experience.

350 points? You don't need vitalism, so take that out.

You don't need max mental training or mental offense, so again; you can reduce that.

We're talking about "min/maxing" and hybrid healing. People are running around in plate healing themselves endlessly. It is bad gameplay. They are putting in as many points as they need. Not 100 in everything. Why would you ever think they're going 100 in everything?

That is what they SHOULD have to do, but they aren't. Hence why i said it is too accessible.

You do NOT need 350 points, nowhere near. This is a fabrication or a misunderstanding.

Now that i've explained it for you, perhaps you can follow it now. I won't; go into the other healing types, as others have already covered them.

I get that people who play these cheap hybrid everything builds want to covet their broken heal spam, but i'm sorry, it spoils the game and just doesn't yield good gameplay. It leads to endless stalemates; which are dull.
is there some new hybrids meta now? Afaik everyone still running thursars or oghmirs