Group/Guild Incentives


New member
Aug 31, 2024
With the addition to the task system's group update- not to mention the current character progression system as a whole- I am so happy with the progress made in the last.. 6 months? SV has taken my money and improved the gameplay experience, I'm a happy customer at 15 a month. They say everything that comes before the word "but" is a lie or w/e and while that couldn't be further from the truth I do have to make some suggestions.

We must be careful to preserve some sort of balance between player guild sizes and the rewards for in game activities- be it solo farming, group bossing, zerg pvp, and siege. I'm sure anyone that reads the suggestion posts will agree with me there so I'll just get on with it. At this very moment I see very little GAME DEVELOPMENT focused on giving the players rewards for working together- more importantly following guild leadership. I will say it again. GAME DEVELOPMENT focused on giving the players incentives.

Bear with me here.. It wasn't too long ago where getting clade was extremely hard due to no task system. With that addition we were given incentive to complete the tasks in the form of rewards. All good and dandy until you wanted to play with friends- not a good idea cause you weren't sharing the task kills. Finally.. like last patch or w/e we get the task update that grants kill count for 25% damage dealt. Basically until recently we had 0 incentive to work together as players besides pvp and bossing- both of which require a decent amount of players and as always nobody is guaranteed loot for their time. If you can accept that statement then it should be obvious that there is very little game design focused on group incentives.

That being its own problem.. from what I can tell- In game ranks are virtually useless & we all utilize discord in order to know who's what rank in our individual guilds. In fact guild leaders are most likely to keep the vast majority of their members at recruit rank due to the volatility of the game. How does this promote group play? If guild ranks have no current purpose in game other than who can kick/invite members... I must say that there is probably some work that can be done to make it better. At that point what incentive do players have to "listen" or even play with the leaders of their guild besides not getting kicked by the single dad w/ bad communication skills?

From what I can tell most successful players belong to 1-3 small groups of several players- each group providing something to the individual's in game desires. That's great and easy to manage cause you're only playin with a few people and you should get some pretty consistent gold/pvp. The problem I have is when the guild leaders get online theres nothing MORE profitable or MORE fun that we should obviously group up and do!!! With the task system- it's blatantly obvious you should go get a task before killing risars or bandits (if possible). Sure go get that troll task if you've got time between the hour respawn.. but how come I am not jumping for joy that my guild leader just got online and its time to group the hell up?

Supply towers, supply runs.. OK how about a "Guild Merchant" npc that we can ask to hop onto a high ranking guild officer's horse and transport across the map? Our enemies get alerts that they see us with a merchant and they come to try and kill him for 1k gold or w/e? If we get to our destination and make it back the guild gets a reward- a buff maybe? A ton of materials depending on which merchant we took/where we transported them & how long it took to get back. That's a quest- that's fun- that is a reason for guilds to work together other than the same boss drop that can only be split so many ways. Just an idea but this is the most guild focused MMO I've seen recently and it's a shame there are little to no systems for guild/group play.
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