I have a dream that'll involve a handful of hairy dwarves running out of the bushes to ambush a tall player. Gordox is a dwarf exclusive guild aiming to make the game funny and enjoyable by not worrying about guild politics and by pvping who we want when we want. This semi-serious guild is open to all players and welcomes new players to join our ranks while you learn to play this game. The guild has a few simple requirements, which are listed below.
1) Characters must be shorter than 160cm
2) Discord, you don't have to talk, but you will need to hear call-outs during fights.
3) Somewhat mature.
If you are at all interested in joining this guild, message me on discord @ BigsB43#7324
I am looking forward to talking to you,
1) Characters must be shorter than 160cm
2) Discord, you don't have to talk, but you will need to hear call-outs during fights.
3) Somewhat mature.
If you are at all interested in joining this guild, message me on discord @ BigsB43#7324
I am looking forward to talking to you,