Few Suggestions


New member
Feb 1, 2022
1. Copy your Build
Make the Build you play copy pastable. This could potentially go into a third party application links like API Key in GW2 or Pastebin stuff from POE. But generally the possibility to copy the build and share it would be very nice.
2. More Keybind-Options
I guess everyone is used to be able to keybind every last thing and i am totally in support of simplicity - anyways i think it would not hurt to accomidate individual playstyles. Have at least an alternative keybind and maybe the possibilty to bind directional blocks/attacks.
3. UI-Element-Scaling
Yeah. This goes into Keybindoptions as well. I personally like do have one bulk of skills that are in keybind how i like it. So having ALT+1 beside SHIFT+E and CTRL+Q in a single squared Skillbar would be nice.
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