Feeback and Fixes Improve Necromancy + useless Magic Spells correctley


New member
Oct 10, 2024
I would like to make one thing clear before I start addressing the problems that affect Mo2. I created a total of 4 characters and played and tested various alignments at 100% max + all professions at 100% with books. Played about 3000 hours of active game time. So it should be clear that I am not writing anything here that is only in my own interest to get buffs. Rather, I see these points that I address as follows as balance fairness and also basic problems that are extremely annoying for every player. Also calculate in the follwong topic i am Mastery lvl 100 with Full Mage and minmaxed Mana drain on Magic Directions i use 100% , Spell Power etc.

First, I would like to start by addressing the problems with magic in the game.

There are a lot of spells in the game that are practically useless. The spells we have are often out of proportion with casting time, spell range and damage output in relation to mana consumption in a negative sense for any full mage.

Let's start with the Necromancer focus:

The walkers especially Greater Walkers as everyone knows have to be prepared first and generate a mana drain for every walker that is spawned. This ensures that you can't spawn infinite. This is also good for balancing. What is not good, however, is that if I make 5 Greater Walkers, which you also need in PVP/PVE, 50% of the mana is used up afterwards. another 30% go away easily if you want to control them. The Mana Drain is also ticking in the background and the regeneration of the 'Mana is hardly noticeable. And sitting down in PVP is not an option because otherwise you're dead... So far so good, I've already lost 70-80% of the mana and haven't even cast the target so that the walkers can help. As everyone knows, a mage without mana is completely defenseless. In addition, there is the deficit that every mage has just 150 HP when it comes up and cannot wear good armor like a swordsman.

The walkers especially Greater Walkers as everyone knows have to be prepared first and generate a mana drain for every walker that is spawned. This ensures that you can't spawn infinite. This is also good for balancing. What is not good, however, is that if I make 5 Greater Walkers, which you also need in PVP/PVE, 50% of the mana is used up afterwards. another 30% go away easily if you want to control them. The Mana Drain is also ticking in the background and the regeneration of the 'Mana is hardly noticeable. And sitting down in PVP is not an option because otherwise you're dead... So far so good, I've already lost 70-80% of the mana and haven't even cast the target so that the walkers can help. As everyone knows, a mage without mana is completely defenseless. In addition, there is the deficit that every mage has just 150 HP when it comes up and cannot wear good armor like a swordsman.

But now on to the result of the problem. The walkers after I have used up almost all my mana follow what feels like 100 meters after that they stand still and are useless. Especially in PVP where it's about time and distance to the opponent so as not to be a one hit mage.

The next problem is the distances of the spells. As mentioned, you need distance to the enemy as a mage. But with the cast of the target you should get within 0.3 meters of him so that the walkers react (just stupid), especially if you have 2 shock fighters on you or 1 Thursar who kills you with one blow.

Due to the lost mana, there is not enough mana for healing or damage spells that you can use to defend yourself. Which makes walkers completely useless. What remains is Corrupt, Fulmination and a few Elementalism spells. These are also almost always dodgable for the enemy in terms of damage and also casting speed, cast time and projectile speed. For Corrupt and Fulmination, a solution for Full Mages must also be found here, since, as mentioned, distance is important. This is too short for hitting the targets.

A full mage should therefore get higher ranks, reduced cast times and more damage output than a hybrid that uses magic as a second function. Because mages are not tanky, cannot wear heavy armor and have hardly any HP. Sheevra Skinny Mage, for example, has everything on Intelligence to be able to do at least some damage. + Rings + Spells + Training + Ingredients etc.

And by the way, it's incredibly tedious and expensive to make a Full Mage. The cost of the spells alone is enormous.
A full mage should therefore get larger ranges, reduced cast times and more damage output than a hybrid that uses magic as a second function. Because mages are not tanky, cannot wear heavy armor and have hardly any HP. Sheevra Skinny Mage, for example, who has everything on intelligence to be able to do at least some damage. + Rings + Spells + Training + Ingredients etc. And by the way, it's incredibly tedious and expensive to make a full mage. The cost of the spells alone is enormous. What does a footfighter need, level up Heavy Armor and has costs for armor and sword. That's it.

Overall Full Mages should also be rewarded for giving up a lot of other things. Therefore, it has to be adjusted here to be able to survive alone in combat and to make necromancy usable. It is not possible that cast times despite Mastery Tree, which has all the reductions in mana and times for me, is still so weak and you are always just sword fodder. Because of the problems mentioned above such as cast time, mana drain, distance so that the spell works on the target and if you make it, the damage is too low in proportion, otherwise the mana is soon empty and you can't do anything anymore but die to enemy.

Next when it comes to Group Fights where many Footfighters and Mages around. So your Job as Mage Heal, Protect your Swordman and Shield them with Magic reflect. Sometimes u can deal damage but only with Coprrupt and fulmination if you able go closer to the enemy ( Range to short for full mage ) Fireball to fuckn Slow and everyone can dodge it easy, its just mana drain on Top. Many other spells useless anyway,

if you refelcted allies you often can't see the buff because there is a display bug. I can never say 100% whether the person needs a new cast magic reflect or not. As I mentioned above, it always takes time and mana to be able to do these things. In PVP, where many fight and it is stressful and seconds, it is an absolute NO GO that this bug has not been fixed long ago. Whether on pets or characters, the display must be reliable, from negative as well as positive effects to be able to coordinate the goals as a mage.

Fact is the mages need improve of there abilitys and should be stable also Solo PVP
And so it needs the changes for these builts. Finally,

I would like to say that there will certainly be comments from footfighters who have never played magicians. They should move their comments somewhere else, because it's only about the fact that you can continue to slaughter mages and can't objectively perceive the balance because they have no idea.

Thank you


Active member
Dec 2, 2023
So with walkers, i mean, you're obviously putting down too many walkers if you can't handle the mana drain, so i'd suggest putting less walkers down. You put walkers down, then atrophy the opponent. Then they can't run. You just watch and enjoy, or hit them with spells whilst they try to deal with the zombies. You also have to factor in that Zombies don't take pet points, so not only can you use zombies, you can have a pet on top of that. I suspect that was kind of the intent, honestly.

You create a greater mental stack on the opponent the more moving parts you add to the table. So summoning walkers, usually in tandem with ritualism, would just be about overwhelming the opponent.

Other than that, they can sprint and cast.. Which is completely broken. You can deathhand, which is short range, but also probably the best basically melee attack in the game.

Ecumenical basically just means "fundamentals".. I know people think it is holy magic, but another definition for the world "ecumenical" is "general". It is general magic.. The backbone.. The basics. You're kind of always supposed to fall back on it a bit, as a mage. It has all the essentials.

Elementalism on the other hand... Basically all of it's spells are near useless. It is like having 55 different types of firework, and like, 5 useful spells. Really not well thought out.

I mean, there are so many bad ones, it is difficult to go through all of them.. But one i find particularly bad is stonewall. The duration is completely tiny. You compare it to MO1, the stonewall lasts like 20 seconds.

So elementalists just end up as fireball spammers, and occasional area deniers.

The cast times are WAY too long on most elementalism skills. Some spells have durations that are WAY too short (particularly the walls); which i suspect were nerfed because they fear people griefing with them in towns. I mean, if you leave them as is, you may as well take them out of the game. The only useful ones is water ward and wind barrier, as an actual barrier. The others just serve as PVE melters.

So.. To list the actual somewhat functional spells off the top of my head :

Propulsion: Most spells are functional, no real changes needed there. They're all basically the same spell; some have minor variations that are useless.

Aggregation: Again, most skills here are useful, aside from the giant boulder, which does basically no damage and had no range. Very disappointing.

Emanation: Basically all useless with MINOR utility or VERY situational use.

Arrangement: Probably the area that needs most work. Ice barrier and stonewall are too short. Way too short. Cast time is WAY too long for the duration. The only really useful spells here are waterward and windbarrier. Firewall is good against PVE, as is the Electric wall. You just have a serious cast time and duration problem here.

Direction: Most direction skills amount to area denial; you never really hit much with them. Those that are projectiles, like say, lightning ball, are OKAY.. But honestly.. I think the lightning skill should've been a giant, high cost, high damage, single target, hitscan lightning bolt.. Lightning ball just feels underwhelming; and doesn't feel like lightning. You'd think the big final attack of elementalist lightning would be something more.. Grand.


Active member
Jan 27, 2022
Tbh if you consider walks weak in any way you are using them wrong, they are clunky, very much so but definetly not weak. If you are an alvarin mage and you manage to get a prep time to summon them against any other opponent in a 1v1 on foot almost anywhere, as long as you a play it right and summon appropriate amount considering who you are facing, you almost cant lose if you dont mess up. For example, you wont be summoning 6 greater walkers to fight another mage, thats just silly and not useful, same for other matchups, you have to summon appropriate amounts and decide if you want to use them to fight or to blow them up on the enemy.

The mana is only a problem if you are using the wrong spells after youve summoned too many walkers. Like, if you summon 5 greaters and sick them on a thursars you obviously shouldnt be flamestriking the thursar afterwards unless you are certain you can burst him down before he heals. You just sick the zombies on him and keep on corrupting him and kiting / parrying until they either eat him or you get enough space to magebang him with shocks.

And on the point of mages cant wear heavy armor is just blatant lie. My oghmir mage can easily wear full steel without any trinkets and my human mage can wear full pansar carapace armor which is fairly close to steel in termfs of defences too.
The alvarins cant wears super heavy armor yes but they dont need it since they are insanely fast and even so, they can get very good defences if you go overweight [where you are still faster then all the thursars and oghmirs even when overweight] and you just wear good ranger set with a shield and youre very durable too and fast.

Mages definetly can solo PvP, possibly better then the footies depending where on the map you play. Sounds to me like you just misuse the tools you are given if you think its too hard now especially after the 100% concentration buffs.
Im not saying there are no issues with mage gameplay or annoying bugs as you mentioned with the spell reflect but playing mage in a 1v1 against other melee matchups is in one of the best and easiest states its ever been compared to the past.