Changes that MUST be made considering long-term development of MO2 (Part 5/5) – Final Considerations


New member
Mar 25, 2024
I must point out that this post is just one part of an even larger post. In this way, even if for now it is possible to provide some insights into the proposed changes, given the holistic nature of MO2, I ask you to read the other posts before formulating your conclusions. Preferably, discuss about it in the last post (Final Considerations)

For those who know me, it's no secret that I was a little discouraged with the game's development. Don't get me wrong, the latest roadmap brought a lot of great content to the game. Finally with sprints 6, 7 and 8 we saw the introduction of systems that were highly requested by the community, mainly in terms of quality of life (pet leveling, broker search, calde reroll), which finally reignited some of my passion for the game

Of course, it's frustrating to be in the game because with each update it seems to get worse in terms of gameplay, especially for those with high ping like me. I'm specifically talking about all the problems that have arisen since UE5, including the change in the spell casting system from client to server. But what bothers me is the disregard for actions and mechanics that shouldn't exist in the game. Star Vault tends to ignore problems that they believe will be solved with some new mechanic that they intend to release “someday”:

"We know that currently Dex is King and we don't want that, but someday we will resolve it."
"Someday we will launch mechanics for melee combat with magic"
"Someday we will make psy a more interesting attribute, even make magic schools based on psy"
"Someday we will launch systems that will make the use of light armor interesting"
“Someday this...”
“Someday that...”

I am fully aware that developing a game costs time, and in the particular case of Star Vault, we are talking about an indie company. It's certainly unfair to charge a serie of content knowing this... But at the same time it's also tiring to always hear the same jargon as a justification for why some things weren't done.

The point is: I'm already tired of playing Someday Online 2...

My interest is in Mortal Online 2 and how to fix it with current features, without waiting several years for the addition of more partially implemented mechanics that won't solve anything at all.

In short, all proposed changes aim to meet these criteria:
  • Greater variability of viable builds;
  • Significant trade-offs in designing builds according to what is expected from an archetypes;
  • Reducing the gap between meta builds and viable builds;
  • Introduce a way to mages defend themselves based on skill
  • Easier to balance outlayers without ruining already balanced and solidified builds;
  • Limit the performance of anomalies such as jack off all trades, aka hybrids ;

Some other things need to be removed such as spinning and Tower Shield...

I literally decided not to delve into spinning because SV say they are working on weapon skills, so it seems wiser to at least look at their idea before formulating a formal post about it. What I can say for now is that such a mechanic was a mistake and should not have existed. The previous game wasn't spinning based and no one ever complained. Before anyone says "Ah, but it's fun, you haven't tried or don't know how to do it... Give a try andyou’ll see it is fun". Guess what, I literally started this game as a hybrid, of course I had to study it, and even nowadays reading animations has proven useful for defense (parry). But it doesn't change the fact that it's a disgusting mechanic that turns people away from mellee combat more than it attracts it.

As far as the Tower shield is concerned, this is another aberration that should never have been implemented in the way it was. Currently the discussion consists of adding a strength requirement to use them in order to prevent their use by mages... I can already say that this alone will not be enough. Every single build can make use of weapons that require more strength than it has, what changes is the stamina consumption
. The only way to put an end to such anomaly, would be to implement a knowdown mechanic on the ground. So that when taking a hit with the tower shield on the back, without having the strength requirement, the user would be immediately knocked down, without any resistance check.

Yes, I'm aware that removing such mechanics outright would be a disaster. Mainly because even though I am a mage, despite having suggested the idea of one-handed magic, allowing the use of one-handed weapons, I know that this alone is not enough, and I have not yet presented ideas for melee defense with spells. But this is something I will do in another series of posts about the old magic schools rework.

Until there, See you in Nave!​
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