Changes that MUST be made considering long-term development of MO2 (Part 1/5) – Attributes


New member
Mar 25, 2024
I must point out that this post is just one part of an even larger post. In this way, even if for now it is possible to provide some insights into the proposed changes, given the holistic nature of MO2, I ask you to read the other posts before formulating your conclusions. Preferably, discuss about it in the last post (Final Considerations)

This particular post will work as follows: An introduction to what attributes currently provide and some reflections on how they could be improved to provide greater variability in viable builds based on significant trade-offs.

Since I have no way of testing the impact of the proposed values, keep in mind that they are certainly subject to possible corrections. The important thing here is to reflect about the idea.

Strenght – Affects heavy weapons usage (includings bows), damage bonus, stamina, carry weight, armor weight and visual body strenght

Dexterety – Affects movement speed, stamina, jump height, weak spot chance and mounted agility

For those who don't know yet, unlike other attributes, dexterity has a non-linear scale in some statuses that it affects, these being moment speed and weakspot. In the dex range of 25-50, there is no gain in movement speed and from 110 the gain becomes reduced. With regard to the chance of weakspot, according to older tests, the function is exponential, providing significant gains after 120 dex and absurd ones above 140. After all, every exponential function tends to infinity from a certain point according with its particularity.

I personally don't believe that some stats should be restricted to strength or dexterity, but rather that they should be shared between both:
  • The movement speed and jump height provided by dexterity should be reduced by 1/4 (or even 1/3 if they decided to keep the same formula) of the total value and transferred to strength (Remember everyone starts with 311 at 10 dex, i.e., the scale starts to count after that);
  • Dexterity should guarantee more bonuses for archery, such as increased bow draw speed and reduced bow sway;
  • Dexterity should guarantee a bonus for a new stat called casting speed, where the point of reference, natural value, starts with 100 dex. Any value above or below 100 dex will affect 1% - 1 dex, increasing or reducing the base casting time of the spell to be cast.
One of Mortal's biggest problems is what we call "dex is king", so I would like to propose some changes that would solve this problem and avoid meaningless situations in which mages are able to run away from fighters and “assassins”. Yes, I know that at this point all mages will start crying (guess what, I'm a mage too), as well as some fighters at first won't see a difference when facing other dex-based fighters (Alvarin in general, the disease of MO2) but keep your faith and read the next posts. Don’t lose the hope fat mages, you’ll have your turn to shine.

Constituition – Affects your health, stamina, carry weight and armor weight

This particular attribute I believe to be the best balanced until now. But it would be interesting if it guaranteed some resistance to certain conditions:
  • Some crowd controls such as knockdown and knockback, even stun if you decide that it will be a thing in MO2 one day (Altough I have my concerns...);
  • Bleeding and Poisoning;
The reason behind this is quite simple, such effects, although they can be caused by magic, are a purely physical consequence and it makes sense that there is some kind of resistance related to the character's metabolism.

Psyche – Affects your mana and resistance to magic

We know that the Star Vault plans for "someday" to have magical schools that scale with psyche, but instead I believe they can do better than that... We currently know that psyche is a stat with less return when compared to the others, so I believe that it can be better used in the current moment of the game, enabling some different playstyles based on magic:
  • Some types of spells such as heals, duration and effect of buffs and debuffs/curses/hexes (corrupt, necro spells...) should scale strictly with psyche, not intelligence;
  • The variation in the range between minimum and maximum effectiveness of a spell must scale with psyche. Each point after 80 psy, will give you an additional minimum effectiveness of 1.5% of the range between minimum and maximum effectiveness. This means, at 140 psyque the minimum effectiveness will be 90% of maximum value;
  • Ability to see certain buffs and debuffs, visible visual effects from a distance (auras and the like...), according to the spell level. Which means, you must have X ammount of psyque in order to see the effect of spell of level X (maximum value).
One of the biggest requests from the community is being able to know when an ally is under the effect of a debuff, usually corrupt, without having to look at the target's bar. I believe this is an important feature for the flow of combat, but it shouldn't be possible for everyone. It doesn't make sense for a fighter to be able to know that his colleague is under the effect of some curse just by looking at him. This way, only mages, hybrids and psy fighters would have access to this technology. Such a mechanic would even be able to detecting the presence of a magic reflect.

Intelligence – Affects your mana, effectiveness with magic and skillbook training speed

Well... With the proposed change in psyche, I’m afraid that intelligence will become the stat with the lowest return on investment. But make no mistake, it will still be the only way to govern the effectiveness of spells based on direct damage. Also, it's worth remembering that when thivereing was released, according to the previous game, int was the only form of defense against pilfering.

At this point, you can already glimpse some differences between existing playstyles, Dex mage (fast casting speed with inconsistent damage) and fat mage (increased cast time with almost always maximum damage), as well as the possibility of new styles, such as differentiation between support hybrids (healing, buff and debuffs) and damage dealers, as well as the possibility of fighters being able to chase mages regardless of clade and build (when naked).

It is interesting to note that the buffs for archery in dexterety are the beginning of the viability of an archer archetype, although not enough, as I believe this will only be a thing in MO2 when weapon skills are released

As I mentioned before, for those who haven't been happy with the results so far, see the next posts. They will add more balance and solve the problems arising from this.​
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