Breathing keybind


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
When ever you do implement breathing for the sway unhinderance please do not bind it to alt like in MO1.
Sure people can get used to it but their is absolutely no reason to make the keybind a annoying one.

Right now RMB (Block) is bound for unpulling the bow. This should be the breath keybind. You can make alt or Ctrl (feint) the keybind for unpulling the bow instead.

The history of sway was introduced to combat the skill floor of hard scoping with 1 hit kill hitscan sniper rifles. In those games the only time to use the breath tech was when you ADS with a scope. You can not ADS and sprint so they naturally put breath on shift because it was unable to be used. But in this game Block which is on RMB is unable to be used unlike Jump and sprint. Both might be a bad idea due to stamina, but they are able to be done while having a drawn bow and should not removed while the bow is drawn.
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