A Suggestion A Day (1) Pets and Parcels:

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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I have many ideas! They are lost in walls of text. I even attached a poll without names so you can hate freely! Here is today's suggestion (tho I can't promise it will continue daily, I'll try to keep up and PLEASE READ AND THINK as I always say.)

My first suggestion has to do with pet leveling. As I previously suggested, I believe pets should level much faster, but only outside of town. I get good levels of my pets being lost all of the time! BIAS.

This brings me to parcels. In a way, running parcels and pet levels could be tied. I believe clade experience should transition to something you can gain from doing almost anything. If the beginning of this is parcels, let's up it to about 50 (as I previously suggested,) and apply it to both choices. That is parcel = 50 clade exp regardless. Change the choices to... 2 standing or (and this is harder cuz the way pets level doesn't seem like it's scaled, it's just like 10k ((or w/e)) per level) x amount of PET EXPERIENCE (harder for beastmasters, sure, just wait til they make all beasts mountable!)

That way, the best way to level your pets would be to run parcels and hopefully be smart enough to add in other tasks. You would not need to be PKing people, so you wouldn't always need to choose standing (and get rid of the 10 clade exp joke choice,) and more people would be moving about! And like I said, they could be moving mats as well to help the economy.

Would also clear a lot of the pet BS from town. As an aside, if they made it so you could access your bank from crafting tables, EQ, broker, mail, inside appliance, etc... they could make it so you had to stable your pets before you entered town at all! I guess the one downside would be using outdoor appliances, and I don't have a solution to that except maybe go to and from EQ bank.

Edit: had to vote YES to see the votes cuz I fukt up setting it. I could have vote no, but I figured that was too masochistic! DEFINE THE FUTURE!!
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