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  1. G

    PvE Server

    I've come to realize that a PvE server is this games catch 22, its double edged sword if you will. If they add a PvE server, the griefers and PKers will leave and if they don't add a PvE server, the people who prefer to craft and do PvE things will leave(I think most of them already have)...
  2. G

    Basic and Intermediate Ore Extraction

    A shameless bump, in case someone out there knows the answer to this. I can't be the only person wondering about this...
  3. G

    Basic and Intermediate Ore Extraction

    Does anyone know which ores specifically basic, intermediate and advanced ore extraction provide yield bonuses for?
  4. G

    Maximum resource yield question

    Thank you very much!
  5. G

    Maximum resource yield question

    My question is regarding how to get maximum resource yield. I'll ask with an example. I am crushing Granum. I know that I need max skills in Granum Lore, Basic Ore Extraction, Ore Extraction Appliances, Comminutors and Crusher Operation. My question is this, do I ALSO need to have max skill in...