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  1. Guymov

    can we loot refining station ?

    Hello guys i would like to know if it is possible to loot/buy refining station and put it in a house ? Thanks !
  2. Guymov

    La Garde Blanche - The White Guard (fr) PvE-PvP

    Bienvenue amis francophones ! La Guilde de La Garde Blanche recrute de nouveaux compagnons. La Garde Blanche est une guilde de marchands et de mercenaires. Nous formons un groupe soudé, nous mettons un point d’honneur sur la cohésion au sein de la guilde. Notre...
  3. Guymov

    New guild, new concept, new experience... The Queue guild

    Hey guys check the new discord of the Queue guild !
  4. Guymov

    Has anyone been able to log in?

    Hello Queue friends, I'm Forming a Brand new guild called "The Queue". For joining the guild you have to get at least 24h queue experience, this is the core of our brave goal. First the Queue members have to prove their loyalty by inflicting themself a daily priest at the Queue god. In a...
  5. Guymov

    New guild, new concept, new experience... The Queue guild

    Hello Queue friends, I'm Forming a Brand new guild called "The Queue". For joining the guild you have to get at least 24h queue experience, this is the core of our brave goal. First the Queue members have to prove their loyalty by inflicting themself a daily priest at the Queue god. In a...
  6. Guymov

    Has anyone been able to log in?

    Get stuck in queue for F****** 48h... Wow nice
  7. Guymov

    Unofficial Guild List Catalogue

    Hello guys, I wanted to introduce a new guild, "La Garde Blanche" (The White Guard). We are a french merchant/mercenary guild, friendly with blue and doing our best to build good relations between all the guilds around the world of Mortal Online. We like to PvE and PvP. Criminals players are...