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  1. S

    A comprehensive pet feedback thread

    This post has taken me quite some time to write and is quite long, but I really hope to start a constructive discussion on how to identify and fix the current problems with pets as well as finding solutions that are appreciated from ALL sides, including the people who want to completely remove...
  2. S

    Bloat - Fixing food/cooking

    There isn't enough reasons to eat any food that isnt just THE best stam/health/mana food which are boring one-ingredient dishes. I suggest Bloat to be a stat in addition to the ones we already have for food. Atm each unit of food that you eat removes 6 hunger, which would represent 6 Bloat...
  3. S

    Psyche and magic interrupt

    As title and poll says...
  4. S

    Parrying and durability

    For the longest time I have reported this bug in game, and at one point even had Henrik confirm on stream that it is, in fact, a bug and not intentional design; When you parry with a weapon, it does not lose durability. Shields still take dura damage as intended and I personally think that...
  5. S

    Actual fix for reputation system

    First of all all standings should be x3: Min -25 ----> -75 Max 40 ----> 120 When you kill someone the rep loss scales with the victims's current Murder Counts. Victim 0 MC = -4 Standing Victim 1 MC = -3 Standing Victim 2-3 MC = -2 Standing Victim 4...
  6. S

    UX improvements and complex VS convoluted

    This game is built around having deep and complex systems where discovering things yourself is part of what makes it unique and special, but there is a difference between making things complex yet inviting, and just counter intuitively convoluted. So here are some of my suggestions to improve...