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  1. Zulpitcher

    What is transmutation flux used for?

    As far as I heard... is a bad game mechanics (or should be), the more people are farming the spirits, the more flux you will have because all the players that are farming get a flux, also the chance to get it is higher. This made some guilds getting inside boss rooms to farm it and getting...
  2. Zulpitcher

    What is transmutation flux used for?

    Yes, there will be a full reroll. Robmo (the CM) said once that there is an atributte, skill trinket luck, that would get better values when re-rolling.
  3. Zulpitcher

    What is transmutation flux used for?

    You can reroll a ring or an amulet with it, so you will have another stats/skills. You have to use the cuprum flux with amulets/rings of cumprum, silver flux with amulets/rings of silver...