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  1. Nishkin

    What is the number of people that can play on the server.

    Long story short: Day 1 Release: Everybody connecting and playing but once people went over 3k on the server we all started to disconnect and reconnect again. Day 2. Huge glitching around the world enormous lag and a Patch that Introduced a QUEUE. Day 3. Queue started to Brake and to Crash, if...
  2. Nishkin

    Royal Bank Of Tindrem AAA Book Service

    Short Update Friends. Service is going to be postponed until couple of weeks after release. We need to build our library from scratch and this will take a bit of a time. Thank you for the understanding! Hello, we are Royal Bank Of Tindrem and we would like to present to you our AAA Service...
  3. Nishkin

    Suggestion: Stop notifying about new items added

    Hello, Nishkin here. I've been playing for some time and boy I would like to say that the game is so fun, especially with the added survival element, the huge map all the plants and things around the map. I noticed that some of the most interesting things for me are exploring and surviving the...