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  1. R

    Defending on Foot against Mounted ( 1 vs 1)

    Relative velocity should affect both ends of the engagement, as has been pointed out at several other instances (discord, podcasts) Let's see what devs will do with the feedback.
  2. R

    Advanced Combat Turorial for Swords (How to feint a repost)

    I don't think this is an intentional mechanic. However it is good for the game because it increases the skill ceiling. As somebody who has reached the melee skill ceiling, fighting against other players on the skill ceiling from NA and EU, I can confirm people can block these attacks unless...
  3. R

    FoV up to 110?

    Higher FOV is not planned according to farmerjoe. You have to convince Henrik in stream or discord. Clearly, anybody with common sense would want a game in which you can fight melee to have higher FOV then what we currently have.
  4. R

    1vs1: TTK too long?

    1v1 taking a long time is a common theme in games where the skill ceiling is low. 90% of the times it's people complaining about it that haven't even reached skill ceiling yet. We can see that looking at how the people in the video play. Not trying to bash you but it's a fact. As Evelyn also...