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  1. K

    New Feedback System That Actually Works

    This is a feedback system idea that actually works. Lets players voices get heard while not drowning the devs in DMs. Basically, the Devs will only take feedback from 20 people. Let me explain: 20 people from all different opinions will be elected as the Dev feedback conveyer. Those 20...
  2. K

    Name Tag should NOT show criminal status

    Your name tag should not show your criminal status. There is no good reason why you should be able to look at someone, doing something that has nothing to do with you, and see whether you can freely kill them or not. The only people that this helps are the blue blockers in graveyard and the...
  3. K

    Make Torches in Towns Lightable/Extinguishable.

    It would be a really cool RP aspect if the torches lining the walls inside of towns like Meduli were Lightable and Extinguishable. Seems like it would be really easy to add, and could change the atmosphere a lot in several of the buildings.
  4. K

    Housing & Keeps

    Does anyone know how the housing and keeps will work? Is it guild only? Does it cost a lot? What are the freedoms of design? Idk if they had this in mo1 but if any vet player knows I am very interested.
  5. K

    Custom Name Items like Swords, Daggers, ETC

    I think that there should be a simple naming feature to items you own or craft. It probably would be really easy to implement this and it would make a big difference for crafters trying to make a name for themselves. Instead of picking up a sword from a loot bag and it just saying whitewood...