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  1. S

    Once RPK, RPK forever

    I liked the jail system from Face of Mankind where you had player guards and could also escape the jail. Here's an article about it 5 real time days for a murder however is just mental.
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    magic reflect changes. do you like it?

    I like the change a lot. One of the best changes in the patch.
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    Mob Stacking:

    What is the issue here, that you pulled all the mobs? I could complain about a lot of things with this game but this is just user error.
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    Bandages vs Mage self heals

    Good point. We only have "Minor Bandages" which sort of implies there will eventually be better bandies available.
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    x1 Skill Gain Impressions?

    I'm actually fine with gathering and crafting skills being a bit grindy. But clade exp is the real gut punch. Especially considering new players coming in later on having to grind them up to be viable in pvp.
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    Disable Murdercount on Use of Home Priest or in the World At Large

    It's probably been said but I think you should only lose rep with a nation if you kill people on their lands (inside and x area around their cities). The wilderness should be fair game but still generate murder counts.
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    Please let is craft or buy clothes that we can wear. Even just the basic rags that you get if you disable nudity. They would be un-lootable like the capes and purely cosmetic. Why? It looks silly when people stream the game and everyone is running around with their dicks hanging out if they're...
  8. S

    Help with bow crafting

    Shortbow - composite - crepite or dense crepite in both slots - 5% on the bar (you can use incisium for the 5% if you want some more dura) Asym bow - spongewood and crepite or dense crepite - play with slider or use the mortaldata calculator for correct str value Longbow - same as asym bows but...
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    Give us regional servers

    I think we need to start a petition to get rid of the Atlantic ocean and move the continents closer together.
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    Alvarian bow clade gift bugg

    Nice find. Seems like a bug.
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    The Criminal gray status should last longer.

    If they let us put red items in horse bags I'll happily be gray for 30 minutes after a kill.
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    What Region do you Play from? [ POLL ]

    What are they supposed to do though. They've said future continents might be placed on NA servers. I think that's the best option.
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    I tried it today and knock on wood, it seems to have fixed the issue.
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    Next time I get this I'll try using the Exitlag trial. If it's a routing thing it could help I guess.
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    Parries, Blocks, and Shields

    #2&5- could work I guess, would be interesting to test #4 - everyone would need to use shields #7 - Polearm + shield makes no sense. How would that even work?
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    I get it sometimes, but most of the time it's fine. I tried running packet loss and speed tests online when it happens but everything looked good there, restarted my modem etc. My only guess is that it must be something iffy with the routing from my network/ISP to the game server that only...
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    Remove reagents from vendors

    Better spells already require more expensive regs though. Like jadeite and cuprum. I don't mind some basic spells being cheap to cast.
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    Starting out with 100 in basic movement skills

    It's pretty evident that the number one complaint most people have when starting the game, is that the game feels too slow/clunky. I think if new players started with 100 sprinting, footspeed an jumping skills it would make the game feel more fluid and possibly make more newbs stick around and...