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  1. S

    The Case for a General Chat

    So, if i'm gathering correctly... The reason we don't have a general chat is mainly due to PVP callouts, and some attempt to maintain immersion. I like that idea, it makes sense ON PAPER. In practice? It turns out to be a very anti-solo and pro-guild solution. You see... Guilds are like a...
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    Arrows trails are INVISIBLE during the day more or less. Anywhere outside of medium range, depending on the back drop, arrows are INVISIBLE. We NEED to see where the arrows are landing to adjust the aim accordingly. It is ESSENTIAL. So far, we can only see arrow trails at long range at night...
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    Pets Are Too Strong.

    Pets can literally be better than an entire player. "But my thursar can life steal blah blah blah!!!" Right, that takes care of the pet, not the mage blasting you with magic whilst you focus on their pet. "Then i'll just LoS with the pet!" Then they pull the pet away and now you're at...
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    How Do Get My Face Code?

    So when creating a character, you can save a code for your character's face etc. How do you do this when the character is already made? Or is there some file where i can locate this code somehow?
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    More Visible Arrow Trail

    The arrow trails are basically invisible during the day when it comes to long distance sniping with the bow. This means i can't see where my arrows are landing to readjust my aim during the day. They are very visible at night however. Now, i'm not sure why they stand out more at night, but is...
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    Inconsistent/Biased Help Chat Regulation?

    When i'm just trying to answer a question or make some neutral statement on the game someone may find helpful, i've found myself having insults regularly thrown at me. Now, the way i play the game riles some people. In turn, this has lead to people to try and get back at me in the help chat...
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    Guide to Fixing Archery WITHOUT Ruining Balance

    Now, i'm going to start this thread debunking the common arguments people use to say archery is good or fine. Then i'm going to go onto why archery is so bad, and i'll be making comparisons to other roles in the game whilst doing so, before narrowing down on what i feel are the core issues, and...
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    Why Thievery Should be Exempt from the Vote and Prioritized

    Look at literally everything on the list. Nothing on that list largely negatively impacts how another player may play the game in any significant way that other skills don't already do. You look at all the magic schools, and nothing there is really any different from what mages can already do...
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    Murder Count Should be Capped

    So.. As someone who has murdered over a hundred people, someone informed me this would take around 700-800 hours of ingame time to go down. At this point i feel like waiting for it to go down is pointless, and i should just keep going as i am. What i'm saying is, this murder count is just...
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    Cowboy GM Behaviour...

    Not going to name and shame, as it'll probably just come back to bite me.. So i jump down a hole because someone is chasing me in PVP. This hole turns out to be a sticking point. Now, i kill the opponent when they jump down the hole, and now i'm stuck. GM tells me they can't unstuck me because...
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    Selective Realism : Why Always Archery?

    Let's have arrows do near no damage to armor because it is realistic! But what about heavy armor reducing movement speed? What about fireballs working under water? What about sprinting whilst using bandages? What about arrows being realistically slowed down in water? THAT! That we can do...
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    Immortal Online : Everyone is Wolverine

    For a game that attempts to maintain a level of immersion, putting on a bandage whilst in full plate armor, whilst sprinting, is pretty far-fetched. Imagine shooting 200 arrows into someone, and they're still at full health after wrapping a bandage around their arm. They'd be more arrow than...
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    Thief/Rogue/Assassin Suggestions

    So I looked at MO1 to see what skills that game had that , as it seems to be a good indicator for what the skills will be in MO2. It appeared to be missing a skill i would regard as ESSENTIAL for a class that pertains to thievery/assassination... Quiet movement. Now, i never played MO1, so...
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    Tower Shield Mages Need to Go.

    You have a class that can hit through armor, is hitscan (easier to aim than archery), and they can tank too. They can tank whilst charging a spell. What is their weakness??? A weakness of a mage was always that they folded like paper. They could also fold anyone else like paper. High risk...
  15. S

    The Bounty Hunter System is fun but flawed.

    My main issue with bounty hunting? Red names camping with their guild mates. How are two people meant to kill someone surrounded by their 20 boyfriends? Look, i get a lot of people like to hang around in guilds, but, this game is full of cowards. No offence intended, but there is no other way...
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    How to Fix Dex/Weakspot Archery (Because it sucks so bad)

    So you have a CHANCE at weakspot on headshot. Yet headshots are near impossible to land on aware targets outside of close range. The only time headshots are really consistent are these three scenarios : -Stationary unaware/distracted target. -Moving unaware/distracted target. -The target...