Search results

  1. Fandangoer

    We need dark grim atmosphere in game

    Looking at old MO1 footage I think the first game had better atmosphere, especially the lighting and sky, but the sequel is obviously much more technologically advanced. The sky and lighting are all heavily WIP and seems like they want to improve upon it a lot. Hopefully it will gradually match...
  2. Fandangoer

    Mercy Mode Bypass - Poll

    I have to agree with the people voting no. It makes much more sense to have mercy mode on at all times, in more ways than one. As described by others.
  3. Fandangoer

    Quality of Life Suggestion Thread

    Would be useful if they added a speaker icon with a red X over it next to the names of people who have VOIP turned off. You see a speaker icon if someone is speaking but no way to tell if others can hear you. Maybe having a permanent icon next to the name is a bit much but some way to tell would...