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  1. finegamingconnoisseur

    Leave Complex Alliances Alone

    From the new 2025 roadmap: Quote: Lastly, we also want to add a new chat channel for Alliance chat, however this comes with a few considerations. Currently, Guilds may ally with a number of other guilds...
  2. finegamingconnoisseur

    Thrust as default attack quick toggle

    The current system requires that we either go into settings and enable or disable thrust as default attack, or hold down a key to force alt attack. I would like to propose an additional keybind that will allow us to toggle alt attack on and off with a button press (not held down). In tight...
  3. finegamingconnoisseur

    Optimise Tindrem, Please

    I have a RTX 4070 Super, 64GB RAM and Core-i7 13700K, everywhere runs at 90-120FPS except in parts of Tindrem where it dips down to 20-30FPS or lower. Why is this? It's not even in areas where there's lot of players or complex rendering. Is it a nodeline? Poor optimisation? Whatever it is, it's...
  4. finegamingconnoisseur

    Essence Orbs... Really, SV?

    I'm not sure what to say about the revealed mystery feature that had me thinking (and hoping) for a long time that it would be thievery. Instead, we got trinkets 2.0 in the form of Essence Orbs. Who in the community asked for this? Who signed off on this in SV's internal creative department? I...
  5. finegamingconnoisseur

    Water Troughs and Washing Blood

    Please add water troughs or water barrels in town for people to wash off the blood on their weapons and armour. It is unintuitive and clunky to have to unequip and re-equip them to remove the blood. Please also add an option to wash off blood at lakes and streams in the wild, when holding down...
  6. finegamingconnoisseur

    The Hidden Stranger in the Woods

    From the shadows, a pair of eyes in the woods of north-western Myrland were fixed on the rider and his steed moving at canter in the distance. His red Tindremic cape flowing along with the wind, the rider is arrayed in the Tindremic Knight heavy armour. The pair of eyes watching him momentarily...
  7. finegamingconnoisseur

    Integrate Tasks Into the UI

    Tasks taking up slots in our inventory is incredibly archaic and impractical, please integrate it into either the Journal or the on-screen UI which makes far more sense. It is painfully absurd that doing four tasks means losing four slots in our inventory, where it would be better served by...
  8. finegamingconnoisseur

    Sprints 7 & 8 on Updated Roadmap

    Are you looking forward to the next two sprints? Would it bring you back if you've been away from the game? Also, what do you think is the item marked '?' at the end of Sprint 8? Could it be thievery at long last?? Discuss. :)
  9. finegamingconnoisseur

    SV Doing Away With Thievery?

    During the latest stream a few days ago, if I heard correctly, Henrik wants to replace clades related to features not yet in-game, like thievery, with something that is "fun" for the time being? If so, I have a bad feeling about this. It seems to me that once they replace these "currently...
  10. finegamingconnoisseur

    A Very Old Ultima Online Ad - SV Please Take Note

    This was purportedly an ad for UO from way back in 1998, some of us were probably not even born at that time. But something about the ad caught my eye, how the narrator framed the whole concept of what UO was. It talked about a world of player interaction, creativity, relationships, emotions...
  11. finegamingconnoisseur

    Foraging Tasks Are Broken

    While I appreciate the new foraging tasks, the system is broken in its current form, in my opinion. Take for instance, gathering sea dew is 6km away from Fabernum, and the reward is something like 30 silvers and 20 glory. That is not rewarding nor worthwhile to any player, veteran or newcomer...
  12. finegamingconnoisseur

    Make all PvE tasks available at all times

    I would like to see all mobs at the soldier and hunter taskmasters available at all times. At present, sometimes the hunting task I want is not available and the next mob down the list is too hard or too far away, and the one above it is too easy. I get that SV wants to encourage players to...
  13. finegamingconnoisseur

    New Tindrem: The Crown Jewel of West Myrland

    There is no greater wonder of the modern world in West Myrland than the grand and majestic city of New Tindrem. Built from the ground up upon the ashes of Old Tindrem, the new city stands as a towering symbol of the enduring legacy of the once-mighty Tindremic Empire. Partial construction had...
  14. finegamingconnoisseur

    The APC's Unofficial Roleplay Compendium

    I've decided to create this thread to consolidate all the unofficial roleplay pieces I've written so far (and will write in future) for easier reference. The individual roleplay pieces will still be written in their own threads, but the links to those threads will be found here. The Hidden...
  15. finegamingconnoisseur

    The APC's Unofficial Lore Compendium

    I've decided to create this thread to consolidate all the unofficial lore pieces I've written so far (and will write in future) for easier reference. The individual lore pieces will still be written in their own threads, but the links to those threads will be found here. New Tindrem: The Crown...
  16. finegamingconnoisseur

    Shield Banging/Weapon Raising Taunt

    Now that the push action is bound to one key, the former traditional hold block then attack function now does nothing. I would like to propose that this be turned into a PvE taunt to pull individual aggressive mobs to the player without having to resort to magic or archery. When the player is...
  17. finegamingconnoisseur

    Allow Multiple Hunting Tasks of the Same NPC Mob

    This is a quality of life suggestion, one that would make the PvE tasks much less tedious in my opinion. Say for example I accept a hunting task to kill 6 scoundrels. I go down to the sewers and kill the 6 scoundrels, but want to hunt more. However, beyond the 6 that I'm supposed to hunt, I...
  18. finegamingconnoisseur

    Bestiary Community Contributions

    Since launch, the game has had an incomplete bestiary with many blank entries. This is not a good look for the game in my opinion. It gives the impression that the game is not ready for show, or that the development team simply couldn't be bothered, when basic details like this are missing...
  19. finegamingconnoisseur

    Unofficial Thievery Poll

    I just had the idea to do a quick, unofficial poll for thievery and see how it does here on the forums. It's a simple 1-10 where 1 means least important, and 10 means most important. I know that this poll will not be immune to astro-turfing either, but at least we will be able to see who voted...
  20. finegamingconnoisseur

    Put Krampos in every town

    As per the title. I think it would be great if every player spread out across the huge continent of Myrland (and future continents when they come) can enjoy the Krampos event in the town or city they are in without having to make the long trek all the way to Tindrem.