Can we PLEASE have, for gods sake, THIEVERY in this game ?


Active member
May 7, 2022
Im so tired of having absolutely no news about thievery... Not even a small clue from the devs.
Are they deaf or something ?
People have been asking for thievery since day one, it is asked for in all Henriks live twitchs...And still, its like they re ignoring the players.

Does anybody at all know anything about thievery being added any time soon ?
Will it be on Sprint 10 ? sprint 11 ? Ever ?

I appreciate if somebody knows and has anything to share about it.
Hello Devs ? ANyone ?


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
It's the one thing that I've been asking for over and over, both here and in my videos, but three years later we still don't have thievery.

I think it's safe to say that it can be consigned to the list of things that we may likely never see in MO2, like ships, wagons and dragons.

Just as a reminder, I did an unofficial poll here on the forums some time back, asking the community how important thievery was to them.

On a scale of 1-10, some 63 percent said it was either extremely important, highly important, or important enough that they would like to see it implemented.

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Active member
May 7, 2022
Yes, its very frustrating ! :[
I think they should AT LEAST state clearly that we wont have thievery in the game, period.
But they keep us in this never ending expectation... Thats so dishonest...

Its a pity that this is the only playable MMO in the market... Maybe if there was another MO online out there, we could try thieving over there.

But what we have in the market is pure trash, all the same garbage with safe areas and ridiculous rules.
MO2 is BY FAR the best game... Its so close to perfection... If they added THIEVING and BOATS, and removed tindrem elite guards, i would say it reached perfection !