Recent content by Shoesoft

  1. S

    Fish encyclopedia

    Caught a 10028 Boarfish that was legendary. I clicked the model away by accident and the screenshot didnt take the ui so I also missed the legendary message.
  2. S

    Can ether lore and taming be made into profession skills?

    Taming as a Profession skill, never thought about it, might certainly work out. Maybe could even move some other stuff from Domestication there, I mean also just fits better semantically.
  3. S

    Make int affect reading speed less or not at all

    It's a gimmick that basically causes Thursars not to be able to play their actual build for months, just because they need to read books. A hybrid Footfighter / Bookworm with 70 int is not my favorite build.
  4. S

    Make Sprinting Secondary and give us all 100 more points to spend

    It probably has been said before already but yeah it's in the title. Also just as a side note: I really don't see the reason to make that primary, I mean there might be builds that don't use it at all but they also wouldn't use any armor training and so on, seems a bit weird. Cheers.