Recent content by Moldiworp

  1. M

    Skin capes of each race for twitch drops

    As per title, easy win. Can copy paste a race skin texture if you want to be lazy and it will still be good. *Ideally* they would have a unique model but hey i dont expect too much. Everyone wants to give the middle finger to their ogh, thurs etc friends and enemies every now and then, this...
  2. M

    Robmo's Taming Information Sheet (WIP) - Description and Links Inside

    Robmo you absolute madman, respect for this and everything else you put effort into for us mere mortals! You should start your own guild based on figuring everything out. Call it The Scholars.
  3. M

    Game freezing

    So I had been pulling my hair out trying everything, reinstalled windows everything. Turns out its a UAE4 issue. The solution is a small bit of registry editing, nothing harmful. Hasnt completely stopped the crashes for me but id say 95% of them. I was having this issue in Haven and on Myr. Then...
  4. M

    Movement keys blocking is stupid

    They will be adding more combat hotkeys, this seems likely to happen.
  5. M

    Process facilities:Trap making

    I personally would like the sulfur nitre thing to result in things similar to what you suggest: Smoke Bombs, hey maybe even fireworks, for those in game celebrations.
  6. M

    Process facilities:Trap making

    Wait the playability has stopped because we arent in an age and time where gunpowder/guns were invented? Thats an interesting take. Crossbows will be functionally similar to early gunpowder weapons anyway, slow reloading long range damage. Progression will remain similar to gunpowder as a result.
  7. M

    Swimming is not effective enough.

    Walking around with something heavy on is miles easier than swimming with said heavy thing.
  8. M

    Ability to lock attribute gain preemptively.

    As per title. Can be frustrating when raising multiple stats, going over then under. Especially when you are too busy to actually stop it. So you set it to lock once it gets to 80, voila!