Recent content by Darran

  1. Darran

    Stutter and FPS Drops in certain scenarios/areas

    They are level streaming lines where the game will load in more stuff. They are waiting for UE5 upgrade to fix them.
  2. Darran

    Myrland instances go against core game design

    Having instanced Myrland goes against the game design and against everything they have sold the game with. I think they need to offer refunds to everyone if they do this.
  3. Darran

    I'm done w/ testing, but I have to reiterate:

    The system needs an overhaul, it has many flaws, is somewhat useless and very confusing for new players.
  4. Darran

    Lighting poll

    I think that might be the problem, it DOES look good at certain points of day in certain places, but rest of the time it's blinding/blurry/just really bad looking
  5. Darran

    Lighting poll

    And devs keep saying it looks good and has been tested with superb monitors while it looks like poop on 99% of monitors :D
  6. Darran

    Mortal Online 1 - Does it really need to shut down?

    I would rather put the money it takes to pay for MO 1 server and extra maintenance work to developing MO 2 into a game MO 1 could never be - which is exactly what SV is doing
  7. Darran

    Mortal Online 2 Fan-made Trailer (Release Jan 2022)

    Not a big fan of the voiceovers. Someone recreate the old MO 1 trailers, they were gold
  8. Darran

    For the future, tone down white bear spawns.

    I would start by making pet combat skill-based. You shouldn't be extremely powerful in combat because you spent a few hours afk training a pet and know how to press "attack"
  9. Darran

    Map Balancing

    I agree the resource distribution is bad, but IMO we just need more of other good resources in other parts of the map. All parts of the map should have a reason to live there, and people can trade resources.
  10. Darran

    Extraction Timers

    Yesss, but something randomized so that it can't be macroed
  11. Darran


    And here we have a good way to make most builds useless again :D
  12. Darran

    Proposal - Remove of 'I'm Stuck' button.

    Only game I've ever got stuck on and only game where I need unstuck function weekly
  13. Darran

    Improvement priority

    Well that's what the map looks like even without the floating stuff :D
  14. Darran

    Improvement priority

    Apart from new mechanics and maybe diplomacy/guild improvements we need everything in this list for persistent or it's going to be poop