Recent content by Calcal

  1. Calcal

    PVE Content Ideas, Lore, Crypts, etc.

    this 100% The world map is littered with useless mobs that don't have any value, it's deserted, because there's no value to be had (outlaw farming got nerfed).
  2. Calcal

    Unshittify Spiritism.

    The gameplay is terrible, the flux drops terrible. Spirit scouting is near useless, especially since the horse stam/speed updates and the gold farm has been gutted too. So the most boring gameplay loop in the game is also one of the most expensive to get into AND worthless, flux doesn't make it...
  3. Calcal

    Spiritism suggestions.

    Instead we got another spiritism nerf. Good job SV.
  4. Calcal

    Pure Mage VS Pure Footie

    Tab targeting? You’ve never played a mage.
  5. Calcal

    Answer the question; What is the number 1. reason the Mortal population is declining? A homework assignment for all Mortal enjoyers.

    There are places in the game with no guards. How many people live in Kranesh? cave camp? GK? 0 right. Turns out no one wants to play a game where you have to be on edge 100% of the time.
  6. Calcal

    Having Criminal actions disabled should prevent you from doing criminal actions

    Sure either one, but the system is not consistent. You can have criminal actions disabled and still/loot attack and then get killed by guards. It should be one or the other. Right now it's just dumb.
  7. Calcal

    Having Criminal actions disabled should prevent you from doing criminal actions

    Shocking notion, I know, that the function of criminal actions being disabled should work. If you have it disabled you shouldn't be able to loot or attack a war target. Simple. @Robmo can we please get SV to fix this?
  8. Calcal

    (Real Developer FeedBack) Seriously It's been Years, Fix Pet Level System, Or Let the Equerry Npc level your pets for gold like MO1.

    SV can't balance pets (or anything else for that matter) so they make them a hassle. Ritual pets are trash and take forever to lvl up too.
  9. Calcal

    What do you miss the most about MO1

    need to get people online to pad steam charts somehow.
  10. Calcal

    New Flux Farm problem...

    that's a philosophy problem with SV, they need to accept that they'll never get it 100% right in the 1st attempt and embrace iteration. If you think about it, there isn't a single feature in the game they have gotten right in the first attempt. EVER, since MO1. Not even login in to the game...
  11. Calcal

    Pure Mage PvP Idea to be considered prior to staff magic.

    I think the idea is a parry that drains mana on successful parry chip damage on hp. that aside. overall mana regen and concentration reworks are sorely needed.
  12. Calcal

    Walkers need some damn work.

    Just like ritual pets, pets, TC and everything else really. Implement a half-baked, poorly thought out mechanic then leave it untouched for months/years. SV just make drop everything and make MO2 a footie simulator.
  13. Calcal

    Guide to Fixing Archery WITHOUT Ruining Balance

    Completely agree MA's shouldn't be able to heal their horses. Mounted+archer+heals is just broken. However, MMs can't hold a candle against an MA. Mages can't turn while casting, their cast speed is 50% higher. How is an MA at a disadvantage to a MM. MA's outdps a MM always and their dmg...
  14. Calcal

    Undercroft Patch Poll – Rate The Most Recent Patch Now!

    The fact that no one replied to this, addressed it and THEN ran a roadmap vote using the same untrustworthy method is very revealing of SV.
  15. Calcal

    List of things that should be prioritized by developers. Everyone can contribute to the list by adding a comment.

    We need this and to drop at least one of the nerfs on MMs. And sooo many other things. They'll need 10 years to do any of it. Maybe in ue6 mortal in space.