Recent content by Attila The Hun

  1. Attila The Hun

    Lets Activate Hardcore Perma Death

    I wish there was a Permadeath system, with heir npcs, etc, lets say you die 500 times, you pass on to your heir etc, COE was going to have this system.
  2. Attila The Hun

    Eliminate handle hits from 1h swords

    Polls are horrible for these types of suggestions, anyone who doesn't use the weapon, doesn't care, they don't mind that the game has a less viable weapon, doesn't affect them.
  3. Attila The Hun

    Eliminate handle hits from 1h swords

    Nothing else will make 1h swords viable, eliminate handle hits on them completely, its unrealistic, but its the only way to balance them. Its exactly what LIF did and it worked out well.
  4. Attila The Hun

    Tindrem + Haven

    SV got lazy again. They half-assed it and now the stresstest will be a major fail. After the first two days people will start getting bored after they realize how many bugs and issues there is.
  5. Attila The Hun

    Tindrem + Haven

    I completely agree, Starvault should cancel the stresstest, nowhere near ready. People who play the stresstest know its in beta, but they don't care, if they see it in this state, many of them will not come back.
  6. Attila The Hun

    Khurite Civil War

  7. Attila The Hun

    Khurite Civil War

    your all dumb MFers being led by a paranoid egomaniac. Revoltplus is a turncoat we banned, and you are using the fact that he landed on your discord as an excuse to rpk, go ahead, we dare you.
  8. Attila The Hun

    Khurite Civil War

    I think its time for your weekly therapy bud
  9. Attila The Hun

    Khurite Civil War

  10. Attila The Hun

    Khurite Civil War

    Keep dreamin hunny bear, man do you sound salty xD
  11. Attila The Hun

    Tindrem + Haven

    that is dissapointing..
  12. Attila The Hun

    Khurite Civil War

    lol was out of range anyway
  13. Attila The Hun

    Khurite Civil War

    The brief Khurite Civil War has ended, a Truce has been reached. Long Live the Khurites.
  14. Attila The Hun

    [KHAN] Clearing Somethings Up

    its already known you did not offer peace, and KHAN are still the aggressors, there is a third party to attest to that. I am also willing to have a peace treaty, as I said , we are just defending ourselves and did not gank your members in our prime hours yesterday. We also want MK to be free, a...
  15. Attila The Hun

    [KHAN] Clearing Somethings Up

    false.. we are friendly with Whiskeys, try harder.