Poleaxes - the forgotten weapon


Active member
May 22, 2021
At the current state of the game poleaxes are not viable. They require 200pts, are slow and drain large amounts of stamina while not dealing the damage they would need to to justify these drawbacks, besides having a small head on top of that.

Their counterpart, the polesword, received a buff in january (pic as proof), yet dude to their limited benefits they are also rarely seen.


I suggest to rebalance the poleaxe to justify the 200 pts investment,


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
if you wanna play the most busted 1v1 build it takes points. dont be mad that you cant tame, ma and use poleaxe. poleaxe is extremely powerful lol
Is it only the halberd which people use? I tried to use a 2h jadite pole axe which is 1 weight lighter then a steel kallard and its just too slow to use effectively. Some people defiantly do work with it but I havent seen it be used so much anymore. Some people use poleswords now over pole axes but Ive seen a lot of the poleaxe players stop using them. Maybe the steel halberd is still great in 1v1s but it feel out of use in GvG for some reason.

Def should be a 200 point primary. I think that their needs to be a balancing to make the speed more closer to 2h axes. Maybe not as fast but more useable for other types of the poles besides halberd.
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Active member
May 22, 2021
if you wanna play the most busted 1v1 build it takes points. dont be mad that you cant tame, ma and use poleaxe. poleaxe is extremely powerful lol

I did extensive testing regarding stam drain, speed and reward ... and i can tell you there is no reason to use poleaxe at all currently. Any decent player will have no issue against a poleaxe due to the mentioned issues.

Is it only the halberd which people use? I tried to use a 2h jadite pole axe which is 1 weight lighter then a steel kallard and its just too slow to use effectively. Some people defiantly do work with it but I havent seen it be used so much anymore. Some people use poleswords now over pole axes but Ive seen a lot of the poleaxe players stop using them. Maybe the steel halberd is still great in 1v1s but it feel out of use in GvG for some reason.

Def should be a 200 point primary. I think that their needs to be a balancing to make the speed more closer to 2h axes. Maybe not as fast but more useable for other types of the poles besides halberd.

I did test the steel halberd as well ... it is not viable in duels either
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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
Is it only the halberd which people use? I tried to use a 2h jadite pole axe which is 1 weight lighter then a steel kallard and its just too slow to use effectively. Some people defiantly do work with it but I havent seen it be used so much anymore. Some people use poleswords now over pole axes but Ive seen a lot of the poleaxe players stop using them. Maybe the steel halberd is still great in 1v1s but it feel out of use in GvG for some reason.

Def should be a 200 point primary. I think that their needs to be a balancing to make the speed more closer to 2h axes. Maybe not as fast but more useable for other types of the poles besides halberd.
Theres only 1 viable poleaxe, flake halberd. Anything else is too heavy. Very OP for naked duels but thats it. Your dps is gonna be trash against anyone wearing decent armor. In its current state, not worth 200 points at all.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
Flake poleswords are amazing for bodying bads because you can mix up stab and right swing which look similar. Makes it much easier to get through parries if the enemy isnt really good. But at a competitive level they are just more handle worse swords that take more prims.

With how poles are balanced to not be good in MO2, they shouldnt take 2 prims.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
yeah pole axe options are limited, cant really make viable ones for high end fighting.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
Dunno. You invest not in one but three skills with these 200 pts.
My issue is being forced to spec into multiple weapons when I only want one. It just bugs me that spears are a dagger on a stick but those dont need sticks lore and daggers, its just one. Spears even uses the same animation as poles. But the second you put an axe or sword on a stick its 2. If prims weren't limited I wouldn't care but having to waste valuable prims on bonus wep lore's I don't want just to use the one I want to use, sucks.


Active member
Apr 14, 2021
I played with pole axes a lot. Steel halberds is okish. The problem is if the enemy don’t give you any parry your useless atleast in 1v1. In large scale heavy steel poleaxe looks viable for me. But worth 200 points? No for me. Better stick to swords or go axe.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Poleaxes are actually really good, for the sole reason that they're just axes that you can also thrust with, or more accurately spears that you can also slash with.

Having the extra thrust damage that you don't get from an axe, and the competitive slash damage that you don't get from a spear means you have more options than with both of those weapons, that's the point of them. Everyone loves to do the thrust and right swing mix up, the only difference with a pole axe is no matter which one you actually land it will do significant damage, compared to only the thrust with a spear.

As far as effectiveness in high end fights where everyone is wearing pansar carapace or steel, sure they're slower than most other choices, but they're also longer and still give you more options with your directions which means you might get in more hits than you would otherwise. Provided you're good with them of course.

For the point cost, I think they should take 200 points because as has been said by others, you also get the full use of spears and axes for those points. Being able to choose between 3 different kinds of weapons to use without needing to retrain anything is nice, and helps with variety.

I personally like using poleaxes, and on a pure fighter I don't feel like you would miss out on anything critical from the point investment.


Active member
May 22, 2021
Poleaxes are actually really good, for the sole reason that they're just axes that you can also thrust with, or more accurately spears that you can also slash with.

Having the extra thrust damage that you don't get from an axe, and the competitive slash damage that you don't get from a spear means you have more options than with both of those weapons, that's the point of them. Everyone loves to do the thrust and right swing mix up, the only difference with a pole axe is no matter which one you actually land it will do significant damage, compared to only the thrust with a spear.

As far as effectiveness in high end fights where everyone is wearing pansar carapace or steel, sure they're slower than most other choices, but they're also longer and still give you more options with your directions which means you might get in more hits than you would otherwise. Provided you're good with them of course.

For the point cost, I think they should take 200 points because as has been said by others, you also get the full use of spears and axes for those points. Being able to choose between 3 different kinds of weapons to use without needing to retrain anything is nice, and helps with variety.

I personally like using poleaxes, and on a pure fighter I don't feel like you would miss out on anything critical from the point investment.

Your post would make sense if they would actually have decent speed and decent stam drain, which they dont. So i can only disagree.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
The whole melee weapon field and balancing needs a substantial rework that is obvious. A whole list of weapons and points wasted by weapon crafters in items that are of virtually no use.
Every patch is more and more content and no balancing at all it seems to me.
If SV want to improve the game they seriously need to look at balance issues and perhaps employ a dedicated dev for it.
Balancing is the main content people want. Just changing some values will be a alot of content fir a lot of people.

Balance passes were always the number one pathes people showed up on.


New member
Apr 19, 2022
The issue is they removed slow weapons benefits. I did a post about this a while back. That's why swords and spears are meta now, quickest stab = win. Horrible game play imo. I think going back to heavy damage bleed with heavy weps but boost the Stam use would be nice. Too easy to just parry whore these days game needs a counter to that.

The planned weapon abilities may fix that all anyways. Till then heavy weps feel gimped AF.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
Poleaxes are actually really good, for the sole reason that they're just axes that you can also thrust with, or more accurately spears that you can also slash with.

Having the extra thrust damage that you don't get from an axe, and the competitive slash damage that you don't get from a spear means you have more options than with both of those weapons, that's the point of them. Everyone loves to do the thrust and right swing mix up, the only difference with a pole axe is no matter which one you actually land it will do significant damage, compared to only the thrust with a spear.

As far as effectiveness in high end fights where everyone is wearing pansar carapace or steel, sure they're slower than most other choices, but they're also longer and still give you more options with your directions which means you might get in more hits than you would otherwise. Provided you're good with them of course.

For the point cost, I think they should take 200 points because as has been said by others, you also get the full use of spears and axes for those points. Being able to choose between 3 different kinds of weapons to use without needing to retrain anything is nice, and helps with variety.

I personally like using poleaxes, and on a pure fighter I don't feel like you would miss out on anything critical from the point investment.
If they are so good, why does nobody uses them outside of 1v1 tournaments?

Sword is still way better with more attack directions, less stam drains and less handle hits. Spears are way better in group fights where you wont get free parrys or space to do fancy mix ups with spins.

The argument that they should take 200 points because you get an extra weapon skill is pretty dumb with how easy it is to macro in this game. Rather have 100 extra points and reskill when I feel like using a different weapon.

The issue is they removed slow weapons benefits. I did a post about this a while back. That's why swords and spears are meta now, quickest stab = win. Horrible game play imo. I think going back to heavy damage bleed with heavy weps but boost the Stam use would be nice. Too easy to just parry whore these days game needs a counter to that.

The planned weapon abilities may fix that all anyways. Till then heavy weps feel gimped AF.
Weapon abilities are never coming. Henrique hasnt even mentioned them since beta and they dont show up in any roadmap. Its safe to say they have been totally scrapped, just like the kick.


New member
Apr 19, 2022
That's a big oof. Abilities should deff happen or at least another look at melee. At the moment pvp is quick jerky movements "feints" and spam attacks to win. The "trades" I used to get with counter reduced and heavy weapons was nullified with the hit animation cancel to parry change they did. As it stands 1h axe is better then 2h axe which is wild to me.

With all the love going to sparkly fingers getting necro I hope they fix the disparity in melee we now see. Was good them walking back the increase to light weapons swing speed.
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Active member
May 22, 2021
That's a big oof. Abilities should deff happen or at least another look at melee. At the moment pvp is quick jerky movements "feints" and spam attacks to win. The "trades" I used to get with counter reduced and heavy weapons was nullified with the hit animation cancel to parry change they did. As it stands 1h axe is better then 2h axe which is wild to me.

With all the love going to sparkly fingers getting necro I hope they fix the disparity in melee we now see. Was good them walking back the increase to light weapons swing speed.

Henrik is more into adding new stuff rather than balancing existing stuff sadly.