Greetings Mortals,
The third UE5 PTR has now ended. As always we thank everyone who logged into the test server while it was running, and especially to everyone who attended the battle event.
We would love to hear your thoughts in our latest feedback questionnaire!
All feedback will be read by the development team, so if there’s something you want to tell us about your experience on the PTR, this is the best way you can do that.

One of the major focuses of UE5 PTR 3 was reproducing and tracking down the cause of the stalling during large scale combat many players experienced during the previous PTR.
We are relieved to say that the team was able to locate the problem very quickly once the event started, not only should the stalling be fixed for the next PTR, but several more optimizations have been made due to the data we collected during the event.
See you in Nave,
The Star Vault Team