Greetings Mortals,
Last Thursday on December 1st at 7 PM UTC Henrik hosted his regular weekly stream over on Twitch.
The second Tournament of Tindrem was held during the stream last week, where one team of two claimed the podium as the first 2v2 champions of Nave!
He also gave away one free steam key for Mortal Online 2 in the weekly giveaway.
The stream has been archived on our YouTube channel, with timestamps in the description so you can easily review each match of the tournament.
Tournament Recap

We would like to thank everyone who participated in and attended the second Tournament of Tindrem, we had a rather large crowd spectating the event and a total of 38 teams register to compete in the rounds.
Congratulations to Monahh and Halvash for being the first 2v2 arena champions!
We would also like to give thanks to the Royal Bank of Tindrem for providing a generous donation of 500 gold coins to the prize pool for the victorious team.
Due to popular demand, we will most likely be hosting a 5v5 for the next tournament.
You may also view the completed tournament bracket here if you wish to review the outcome.
The Next Patch

The “sprint 2” patch is content complete and currently undergoing a final quality assurance and testing pass. If all goes well we plan to patch very soon.
This patch contains some very nice additions and fixes, and we can’t wait to get it out the door.

Whether you’re a longtime fan of Mortal Online 2 or a newcomer in the world of Nave, dive into the vault with Henrik on Thursdays at 7:00 PM UTC to get your questions answered by the CEO and game designer.
See you in Nave,
The Star Vault Team