Greetings Mortals,
We invite you all to join us on the PTR server for a bout of fun at 8:00 PM CET today the 6th of December.
We are hosting an event on the PTR to test out some of the crucial Relic Wars mechanics, along with showcasing the Guild Heraldry system on a hopefully larger scale!
Event Details

The event will be a “Capture the Flag” like contest between two teams, each with their own Reliquary.
When the event starts, a Relic will drop in between the two Reliquaries, and each team will compete to take control of the Relic and place it into their team’s Reliquary.
The first team to deposit the Relic into their Reliquary will win the round!
Don’t forget to wear and show off your Guild Heraldry designs, as we will be recording footage during the event for this patch’s trailer!
Event Location

The event will be held at the Starvaultia settlement located here on the map:

If you require a teleport to the event location, please ask in the Help Chat.
Starvaultia is equipped with every town banker and stable, free crafting materials and all crafting benches to suit your equipment needs.
The event will run for several rounds and everyone is welcome to attend, we hope to see you all there!
The Star Vault Team
The event will run for several rounds and everyone is welcome to attend, we hope to see you all there!
The Star Vault Team

How to access the PTR
- Open your Steam client and right click Mortal Online 2 in your games library.
- Click ‘Properties’
- Click ‘Betas’ on the left
- Using the ‘Beta Participation’ dropdown menu, click on the ‘Mortal Online Public Test Realm’.
- Your Steam client will then patch your game over to the test branch, and if the servers are up already you will be free to log in as normal.