
Mortal Online 2

Sprint 6 PTR Going Live Today! – Read the Patch Notes Here

September 25, 2024

Greetings Mortals,

The Sprint 6 PTR will be going live shortly today, and will be up for a few days.

How to access the PTR

  • Open your Steam client and right click Mortal Online 2 in your games library.
  • Click ‘Properties’
  • Click ‘Betas’ on the left
  • Using the ‘Beta Participation’ dropdown menu, click on the ‘Mortal Online Public Test Realm’.
  • Your Steam client will then patch your game over to the test branch, and if the servers are up already you will be free to log in as normal.
  • Our PTR server will have a clone of the live database, so your character, your house and all of your items will be available.

What's New?

Our latest update comes with the migration to Unreal Engine 5.4, a substantial upgrade to our server hardware, a massive overhaul to pet gameplay, the introduction of the Fledgling flag and a system to keep players in the game world if they crash in a dungeon.

As always there is also a large amount of fixes included, have a read of the patch notes below!

Engine Upgrade to 5.4

  • Upgraded Unreal Engine to the latest version 5.4.4.
  • The DirectX 11 option has been removed because multiple engine features and plugins now require Shader Model 6, which is not supported by DirectX 11.

Server Upgrade

  • We’ve upgraded our servers to next-generation hardware, which will significantly enhance server performance for large-scale populations and improve latency. 

    Please note that this does not affect client performance and your framerate, although we are also working on improving this for hopefully the next patch after this one.

Fledgling Flag

  • Added support for the fledgling flag. When you leave haven you will be marked as a Fledgling for 168 hours (1 week) per account. Fledglings have yellow names and a small bird symbol under their name, indicating that their account is new.
  • You can now write  /endfledgling in the chat to stop being a fledgling.
  • You can now write  /fledgling in the chat to see the remaining fledgling time left.

Dungeon Logout Prevention

  • Added a new system for keeping players in the game world if they crash while inside a dungeon. Characters will remain for two hours before being killed by the server, if a player is a spirit they will instead be teleported to the nearest priest.

Pet Balance Overhaul

This update marks the most extensive balance pass and overhaul to pet gameplay we’ve ever made.

Currently, there are 36 tameable pets with Beast Mastery abilities, each featuring 4 abilities. In total, there are 144 Beast Mastery abilities, each with its own set of stats for damage, focus costs, and applied buffs.

Nearly all Beast Mastery abilities have been updated, resulting in over 500 value changes. Every creature has received individual attention, with each one being adjusted to better fit specific combat or utility roles.

We look forward to your feedback during this PTR phase, as the number of affected variables is staggering, and we’re ready to make any necessary adjustments based on your input.

  • Removed the “Focus Required” mechanic from Beast Mastery abilities (which was set to 500 Focus for every ability). All abilities now only have a Focus Cost.
  • Pets now gain XP when close(within 30m) to their owner who gains Glory from combat.
  • All pets now have different amounts of experience required to level up. Weaker and more easily obtained pets require less experience per level than stronger and harder to obtain pets.
  • Pet experience gained per passive tick is now always 10, loyalty or if it’s in combat does not affect this. Animal care still increases the frequency of the passive tick.
  • Fixed issue where Pet Leveling did not update your available pet points.
  • Fixed minor UI bug where the focus bar on pet frames would sometimes say “100%” for the first few seconds of getting a pet.
  • Pet points in the UI now get updated when Creature Control & Advanced Creature Control skills increase or decrease in level.
  • (non-ritual) Pet attacks which don’t require focus now deal 25% damage (previously 50%), up to 50% damage (previously 100%) based on Beast Mastery skill level.
  • Pets now always gain focus if below their focus threshold.
  • How much Focus your pet has no longer affects damage dealt by passive pet attacks.
  • When using a Beast Mastery ability which requires a target, you no longer have to tell your pet to attack the target first before triggering the ability. Instead your pet will update its attack target to whatever you told it to use the ability on.
  • When using a Beast Mastery ability which buffs your pet, it no longer needs to be in combat to activate the ability.
  • You no longer have to target your pet when it is attacking for it to gain maximum focus per tick above 500 focus.
  • Pets now always gain focus above their focus threshold if they are either in combat or being ridden.
  • Beast Mastery skill now adds +45 focus per tick at level 100, added to the base amount of +5 focus per tick. This means Focus will tick up at a rate of 50 at 100 Beast Mastery skill.
  • Focus gain is now no longer doubled when targeting your pet or your pet’s target during combat.
  • Fixed issue where Pet Leveling did not update your available pet points.

New “Armor Pierced” Mechanic

  • Add a new, weaker type of ‘Weak Spot’ effect, called ‘Armor Pierced’. This effect does not have a chance to trigger like Weak Spot, instead it is triggered while affected by a certain buff.
  • Alvarin clade gift “Runner’s High” now adds Armor Pierce for attacks made while the buff is active (including bows). We look forward to hearing your feedback and input during this PTR about the percentage of bypassed armor with this new mechanic, currently it is set to 30%.
  • When hitting a shield [Equipment hit] with a [Weak Spot] or [Armor Pierced], the defence of the shield will now get bypassed 70% and 30% respectively. Then the same effects / calculations are applied on the torso.

Clade Gifts & Mastery

  • Fixed Alvarin Cladegift ‘Runner’s High’ not getting increased movement speed from Mastery Gifts.
  • Fixed Alvarin Cladegift ‘Alvarin Warcry’ not getting increased movement speed from Mastery Gifts.


  • Fixed issue where you would not receive a Weak Spot hit if you were blocking in any direction. You will now not get hit by ‘Weak Spot’ or ‘Armor Pierced’ effects when receiving a hit if you successfully block/parry the attack. 
  • Fixed issue where [Arm] / [Handle] hits could Weak Spot.

AI, Creatures and NPCs

  • Improved navmesh generation in the world.
  • Ai can no longer run up rock walls.
  • Fixed issues where AI would leash in the middle of combat due to not having available attacks.
  • AI spellcasters will no longer leash when affected by Benumb mind causing them to not be able to cast spells.
  • Adjusted the leash range of a specific sator camp from 40m to 70m

UI and Interactions

  • Fixed minor issue in the face customization UI where clicking between sliders would rotate the camera instead of blocking the mouse input.
  • Fixed minor UI bug where the focus bar on pet frames would sometimes say “100%” for the first few seconds of getting a pet.
  • Pet points in the UI now get updated when Creature Control & Advanced Creature Control skills increase or decrease in level.


  • Improved localizations for all languages

Lighting, Weather and Environment

  • Added a missing Supply Tower that was visible on the map, but was not there in-game.


  • Several places where players reported issues of getting stuck have been fixed. 
  • Added 14 new Bandit Camps into the World, focusing on areas of the map which needed them. 
  • Over 100+ fixes related to small art issues, death traps and other abnormalities.


  • Reduced the complexity of all player hairstyles in preparation for the main character optimization pass. Hair physics has been updated to fix issues where hairstyles could get stuck in weird poses.


  • Fixed a simple bug so now the Scarlett Wormstar fish can be butchered properly.
  • Fixed a bug with item transfer from containers.

Known Issues

  • Missing logout volumes in spider caves, Ultumeki cave and Morin Khur Sewers (Will be added for weekend).
  • UI Reloads when switching chat tabs.
  • Some clients may have a portion of their screen not mouse-interactable (clicking and dragging to move UI etc).
  • Changing chat size may cause issues with the UI.
  • Some clients may have keybinds pop up when typing in the chat box.

Reporting Bugs on the PTR

If you find a bug while playing on the PTR server, please use the in-game bug reporting tool to report it and include as much information as possible, especially regarding how to reproduce an issue if you know.

Reports made on the PTR are separated from the live server for us, and it’s the best way to ensure a reported bug correctly goes into our internal tracker.

Feedback Survey

As always, we will be hosting a feedback survey soon where you can let us know about your experiences on the PTR.

We greatly appreciate everyone who takes the time to fill these out, especially in a patch like this with an extreme amount of balance changes to pets along with the new Armor Penetration mechanic for Alvarins.

Battle Event

We will be hosting a traditional “Banners vs No Banners” battle event on the PTR to help stress test the new server hardware and to look for any potential issues related to the new engine upgrade.

The event is currently planned to take place on this Friday the 27th of September, at 4:00 PM CEST on the PTR server. We will post an announcement if this time changes.

The location will be our usual popup-town of Starvaultia, feel free to ask for a teleport there in help chat once you are on the PTR. 

Starvaultia will be equipped with every town bank and stable, along with the Material Supplier NPC and benches for all your crafting needs.

We would love to see you there!

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