Greetings Mortals,
The Sprint 10 PTR will be going live shortly today, and will be up until Monday morning CET for testing and gathering feedback.
Read the full patch notes below and happy testing!
How to access the PTR
- Open your Steam client and right click Mortal Online 2 in your games library.
- Click ‘Properties’
- Click ‘Betas’ on the left
- Using the ‘Beta Participation’ dropdown menu, click on the ‘Mortal Online Public Test Realm’.
- Your Steam client will then patch your game over to the test branch, and if the servers are up already you will be free to log in as normal.
What we encourage you to test!

This patch is largely focused on optimizations, backend additions, bug fixes and technical changes, however there are a large number of affected things that could potentially cause problems, so we greatly appreciate everyone who hops into the PTR and tries things out.
Below are a few areas of high interest, however you will find quite a few important bug fixes in the full patch notes, so please have a look and try to test out as many as you are able!
In-Game Chat Overhaul
The in-game chat system has been completely remade and overhauled. There are a lot of new features and quality of life improvements to the chat now which are listed below in the full patch notes, however we appreciate and encourage everyone to test out the new chat and put it through its paces.
With that said, there are several aspects of the new chat which are still being polished and worked on, and you will certainly notice these on the PTR. Nonetheless, please report everything you find using the in-game reporter tool, even if it seems like an obvious problem!
General Performance Optimization
Some large improvements have been made to different areas of client performance in this patch. These changes will scale differently based on where you are in the world and what it is you’re looking at, in some cases this offers little benefit however in others we have internally observed as much as a 40% increase in framerate.
We have also made some significant changes to how characters are calculated to improve CPU performance, with character armor now being “mesh-merged”. The benefit of this change should be quite noticeable when lots of characters (which includes AI) are on screen.
Rideable Bush Pigs
Our adorable Bush Pigs are now rideable mounts, and we encourage everyone to test them out and give feedback on how they feel.
These smaller creatures are not specifically intended to be viable mounts compared to something like a horse, however they should serve to allow for easier travel for example from town to the nearest horse spawn, or for when you find yourself out in the world without a mount.
Spell Balance Changes
There have been several quite significant balance changes to many spells in this patch, and so we encourage all casters to test them out and provide feedback on them. As mentioned below in the full patch notes, these changes should not be considered completely final or “locked in”, and are very much open to adjustment if necessary based on feedback.
Taur Dog Balance Adjustment
The Taur Dog has received a couple balance adjustments to its maximum Stamina as well as its third speed, and we appreciate any and all feedback about these as well.
How to Report Bugs or Leave Feedback

- When in the game world, press the ESC key to pull up the menu.
- Click on the Report Bug button in the menu.
- A black window to enter your comments will appear. There is a drop down called “Report:”.
- Click on the drop down and several options will appear.
- Select the option most relevant to your issue.
- Note: For general feedback and not a bug report, please select FeedbackandComplaints.
- Next, there is a drop down called “Tag:”. Select this drop down and select a category which closely matches your issue as close as you can.
- In the larger text box, describe your issue in as much detail as possible.
- Hit the Send button at the bottom of the window.
The PTR has limited to no Game Master support during public testing. If you require assistance, please ask for it in Help chat and if Nebulous or a Game Master are around they will attempt to help you.
Read the Full Patch Notes Below

New chat system
The in-game chat system has been completely remade and overhauled.
- You can now right click chat tabs to:
- Add a new custom tab
- Remove the clicked tab
- Bring up settings for the tab
- Bring up settings for the chat window
- Removed option to turn off help chat in settings since you can now turn it off per chat window.
- Added a new color wheel when choosing chat channel colors.
- Rebuilt the chat settings.
- You can now show timestamp on chat messages, this can be set per chat channel in the settings.
- Whispers from the other players now by default open a new chat tab in the general chat window.
- You can turn the option to create a new chat tab per whisper on and off in the chat settings.
- You can now tab complete in the chat input. ex writing /s and pressing tab will autocomplete to /s and next tab will complete to /say etc.
- You can now tab complete names in the chat input by writing @ and a name of someone who has chatted with you.
- Writing @name in the chat will now be converted into a player link.
- Left clicking a player name in the chat will now auto fill /whisper PlayerName
- Right clicking a player name in the chat will now bring up a context menu where you can:
Add Friend
Invite to Guild
Mute Player
Report Player - You can now drag an item to the chat input and it will send a link to that item that others can click to inspect.
- Added profanity filter to the chat.
- Added option to turn off profanity filter in the chat settings.
- All GM-whispers and interactions with gamemaster now open up in a separate chat window.
- You can now drag chat tabs out of a chat window to create a new chat window.
- You can now drag chat tabs onto other chat tabs, rearrange their order or add them back to a chat window.
- You can now click a channel name to switch to that channel in the chat.
- Add a new global chat channel nave. (/world /n /nave)
- Add a new global chat channel trade. (/trade /t)
- You can now set what channels each chat tab subscribers to by right clicking the tab and choosing tab settings.
- Removed a LOT of old chat commands. If your favorite command is missing let us know.
- Chat windows now scale better when being scaled.
- The localization of all chat components have been improved.
- Tabs that receive a message but are not currently visible will now get a small indicator showing you there are messages in that tab.
- The engine has been upgraded to Unreal Engine 5.5.4.
- Updated FSR to version 3.1.3
- Updated DLSS to version 4.0.0-NGX310.1.0.0
Developer note:
Many (but not all) of the following spell balance adjustments which affect the damage range of a spell have been made to lessen the element of RNG while casting, with the average damage being maintained on them. This does not apply to all cases where spell damage has been affected however, and some have been nudged up or down for balance purposes. Please note that these values are not considered final and may change before the live release of the Sprint 10 patch.
- Lesser Healing Mana cost increased from 4 to 6.
- Lesser Healing base healing range tightened from 12 – 18 to 14 – 16.
- Stilling Mist base healing range increased from 2 – 3 to 3 – 4.
- Stilling Mist Purified Water reagent cost adjusted from 10 to 5.
- Greater Healing base healing range tightened from 28 – 34 to 30 – 32.
- Lightning base damage range adjusted from 18 – 23 to 21 – 23.
- Lightning Mana cost decreased from 20 to 18.
- Lightning cast time decreased from 2.1 to 1.7.
- Thunderlash damage range adjusted from 24 – 31 to 27 – 28.
- Flamestrike Mana cost increased from 45 to 50.
- Flamestrike damage range adjusted from 33 – 41 to 36 – 38.
- Shock base damage range adjusted from 19 – 24 to 20 – 21.
- Mental Leech Spirit Box cost decreased from 2 to 1 per cast.
- Mental Leech lifetime decreased from 60 to 21 seconds.
- Mental Leech Mana cost decreased from 25 to 8.
- Mental Leech cast time reduced from 2.3 to 1.2.
- Outburst Mana cost decreased from 13 to 12
- Outburst cast time reduced from 2.2 to 1.9.
- Outburst base damage range adjusted from 15 – 18 to 15 – 16.
- Earthquake base damage range adjusted from 32 – 38 to 34 – 36.
- Updated and rebuilt the AI attack code. This will change how some AI use their attacks making them “smarter” when they decide what attack to use.
- Lot’s of world landscape and terrain fixes.
- Lot’s of navmesh improvements to prevent Ai spawning inside objects.
- Fixed an issue where you could target the Sidoian Pathfinder through the boss doors.
- Fixed a lake at a Fishing POI where you could not fish.
- Fixed an issue when choosing high FOV deformed the landscape a lot.
- Added missing Guards at Toxai task vendors.
- Added a missing POI that just had loot and no structure.
- Bush Pigs are now rideable.
- Lowered Bush Pig Pet Point base cost at level 50 without Lore skills from 25 to 20.
- Lowered Bush Pig Taming level range maximum requirement from 11 Taming to 7.
- Taur Dog Stamina lowered from 900 to 800.
- Taur Dog third speed lowered from 830 to 820.
- Increased the incline Spiders and Lykiators can climb up by 1 degree.
- Added support for context menus, these are sub menus that can appear when you right click on UI.
- You can now right click player names in the rankings menu to bring up the context menu.
- You can now right click player names in the matches menu to bring up the context menu.
- You can now right click player names in the friend list to bring up the context menu.
- You can now right click player names in the guild member list to bring up the context menu.
- You can now right click player names in the broker to bring up the context menu.
- Player and NPC armour are now merged into one mesh, improving CPU performance.
- New Unreal Engine rendering technology is used to improve frame pacing.
- Improved performance in large-scale battles.
- General world optimization with up to 40%+ better performance in certain scenes.
- Large parts of the chat server have been updated and improved.
- Fixed an issue where choosing Bakti as a starter town could send you somewhere else.
- Dramatically improved startup and shutdown performance. Server initialization now completes in under 1 minute (down from 30 minutes), allowing for faster updates and maintenance with minimal player disruption.
Known Issues
- There are many areas of the new chat and its UI which are still being worked on.
- There may be some issues with AI leashing correctly.
- Currently it is not possible to unmute a player if you mute them via the new context menu, so be careful when testing this!
Feedback Survey

As always, we will be hosting a Google Forms feedback survey soon where you can let us know about your experiences on the PTR.
We greatly appreciate everyone who takes the time to fill these out. A link to the feedback survey form will be posted closer to the end of the PTR.
PTR Gathering Event Date

We will be hosting a gathering event on the PTR this Friday the 21st of March at 8:00 PM CET.
The event location will be Starvaultia, and you will be able to request a teleport to the event once it has begun on the PTR.
The main purpose of this gathering event is to try and test out the new performance improvements with many players in the same location, as such everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend, and we can’t wait to see you there!
If enough people attend, we will organize some traditional PTR fights as well.