
Mortal Online 2

Into the Vault #143 – New Roadmap Reveal

October 10, 2024

New Roadmap Reveal

Our new development roadmap is here!

Henrik revealed the new roadmap containing key items from our next two game updates during his livestream last night.

Here we will delve into the details of each item so you know what to expect. There’s a lot to unpack here, so get comfortable!

Sprint 7 Features

Clade Reroll Token

One of the most often requested features since new players began stepping foot in the land of Nave has been the ability to change their clade selection, and we are now happy to announce that this is finally coming in our next update.

This will allow you to revisit the character creation screen and change your clade and bloodline, as well as your face and body customization including hairstyles and tattoos. 

The Clade Reroll Token will not be tradeable to other players.

Rerolling your character in this way will not reset your Mastery Level, or refund any of your Mastery Gifts, as we do not want to add a way to bypass the gold cost of refunding Mastery Gifts using Shards of Oblivion by spending real money, and not having any pay-to-win mechanics is a core part of our game’s design philosophy. 

You will not be able to change your name using this token.

Any attribute differences between your previous and new character will be refunded into your attribute point pool, allowing you to reallocate them elsewhere.

For example if a Thursar with 120+ Strength rerolled into an Alvarin with a lower maximum Strength, the excess points beyond the new maximum Strength would be refunded into their attribute point pool. 

When changing to a clade with a lower pool of maximum attribute points, such as from a Tindremene Human to an Oghmir, your attributes will be reduced to match your new pool size. When changing to a clade with a higher pool of maximum attribute points, you will have additional free attribute points to allocate in your pool.

Ranked Duelling

Mightiest champions of combat prepare, as a new way to test your mettle approaches.

In this coming update we are introducing the ability to compete in ranked duels with other players. This comes with a seasonal leaderboard, individual score, rank tiers with divisions to progress through and an overhaul to the experience of initiating a duel with another player to be smoother and more polished.

You will also be able to view the history of past seasons, along with your own personal stat history regarding wins and losses.

Currently, ranked duels are planned to operate in much the same way current duelling happens, in that there are no enforced restrictions around what equipment you may use during a ranked duel, or regulations on the use of magic or pets.

For those of you who are looking for tighter regulation, such restrictions are currently planned to exist for the future arena expansion, where every match will be much more tightly controlled. However for now, as our game is not matchmaking-based and requires two players to willingly participate in a duel, it will be up to you, the players, to decide which fights you want to take and how. 

Seasons are currently planned to reset every 3 months.

Surrender System

Being able to convey to a potential robber that you are not carrying anything worth killing you for has always been quite an unpolished experience, involving the aggressor ordering the player they are attempting to rob to stop what they are doing and type /droploot so all of their items drop to the ground.

This has many undesirable outcomes, with one of them being that this puts the person presenting their items at the complete mercy of the aggressor, in that they could simply choose to take their weapon, bandages or reagent bag from their dropped loot. 

The new system we are adding is in the form of a new action skill (similar to the Resting skill that you bind to your action bar to sit down) called “Surrender”.

Activating this new skill will cause a character to raise their arms in the air to indicate that they are not a threat, while also allowing any other players to inspect their inventory by interacting with them while their hands are raised.

While a player is surrendering, you will not be able to take items directly out of their inventory, but instead may request or order them to trade certain items to you. The surrendering player also can not delete items while they are surrendering as well as for a short time afterward.

This allows a player to show other players they encounter that they might not have anything worth murdering them for, without putting themselves at risk of not being able to defend themselves should said players wish to attack them anyway.

We are also happy to be adding a new emote to your arsenal of poses, which may be used for any number of purposes and carries some not insignificant roleplay potential.

Mastery Updates / Gift Expansion

When we added the Mastery Tree, a large part of the focus went into gifts which are mostly combat related. 

In this small expansion, we are adding new Mastery Gifts to the tree, many of which will have more of a utility appeal.

Some examples include increasing passive Loot Luck, Stable Slots, Potion Potency, Crafting Material Cost decreases and more.

Daily Tasks

This one is relatively straight forward, and will come in the form of tasks which may only be taken and completed once a day.

Daily tasks will rotate every day in a similar fashion to existing tasks, and will be similar with the exception of offering higher rewards.

New Mount

The pitter-patter of many legs may become a familiar sound in this next update, as spiders are added to the list of rideable creatures.

Currently the Clothos Spiders and the Mountain Spider are being worked on for this update.

These spiders are also receiving balance updates to make them more viable as new mounts.

Character & World Optimization

A lot of work is being done regarding the performance cost of having lots of characters around at the same time, and should improve framerates in large battles or when surrounded by lots of other people.



Sprint 8 Features

Relic Wars

Below is a copy of the different slides and information Henrik showed during his roadmap stream.

  • A dynamic feature where players compete for control over different types of relics across the world.
  • Blends PvE and PvP elements with a variety of gameplay objectives.
  • Designed for strategic group play, encouraging both exploration and competition.
  • Never-ending conflicts and relic interactions in persistent gameplay.

The Five Relic Types

  • PvE attracting Relic: This relic attracts various types of mobs in the world that will fight you for its power. Defeating these enemies grants specific loot, and each wave will strike harder than the last. 
  • Mineable Relic: Can be mined for precious resources, rewarding players for extracting materials while defending against others.
  • Powerful Weapon Relic: Grants access to a powerful weapon that can be wielded in battles, adding a strategic advantage.
  • Territory Control (TC) Relic: Bring this relic to your guild’s TC city to activate unique powers and buffs for your guild.
  • Conquer Relic: Capture and hold the relic’s location as a guild to earn rewards over time, while defending against other players trying to seize it.

Gameplay Mechanics & Rules

  • A relic dropping from sky will be visible across the world, both visual and sound wise, it will leave a beam in sky so players can chose to visit it.
  • Each relic type offers different objectives, from resource gathering to combat.
  • Players can encounter multiple relics in the world at the same time.
  • Certain relics have specific time limits or conditions to claim victory.
  • Guilds can strategize around relic types that best suit their playstyle.
  • Relics appear at random times and locations, encouraging exploration.
  • Players receive notifications when relics are activated in the world.
  • A relic cannot be deleted, stored in a bank, or logged out with; it will always remain in the world and be visible for players to find.
  • Special siege rules apply when attempting to take a relic from an enemy guild. These relics are always persistent without a time limit, except during a secured period when placed in a TC relic building called a Reliquary.

PvE Attracting Relic

  • Mobs will attempt to claim the relic, and players must defeat them to earn loot and the relic’s rewards.
  • Rewards scale with the number of waves defeated. If all waves are cleared, a boss may spawn, offering special loot pools upon completion.

Mineable Relic

  • Players can mine valuable resources directly from the relic.
  • The relic’s location is visible to others, making it high-risk, high-reward.
  • Defending the area during mining is crucial for success.

Powerful Weapon Relic

  • This is a powerful relic weapon that can be used by any player.
  • Weapon’s durability diminishes over time, encouraging tactical use.
  • Can turn the tide in battles when used wisely.

Territory Control Relic

  • Transport the relic to your TC city to activate unique guild buffs.
  • Buffs provide advantages like increased resource yields or combat bonuses.

Conquer Relic

  • The relic must be held within a specific zone to generate rewards for the holding guild.
  • It can only be opened in stages after cooldowns, similar to multiple King-of-the-Hill phases. 
  • The further players progress, the greater the rewards. 
  • Other guilds can challenge to steal control of the relic.

Future Expansions & Community Involvement

  • More relic types will be introduced over time to keep gameplay dynamic.
  • Community feedback will help shape the direction of Relic Wars.
  • Upcoming content updates will expand variety and strategies.

Guild Heraldry

Guilds of Nave rejoice, as we are now working on a system which will allow you to construct your own Heraldry. You will be able to choose from a number of preset patterns and symbols, which may then be altered and modified to create your own unique emblems, with enough customization to satisfy your artistic and creative potential.

Once you are done, you and all of your guild members will be able to equip a tabard-like garment over your armor which will proudly display your colors and creation, allowing for significantly easier identification of friends and foes on the field of battle.

In order to avoid adding another blessed item which could end up occupying a valuable inventory slot, at the moment we are considering making this garment a toggle in the character menu. This toggle would simply show or hide the garment based on your preference. This may change however as we get closer to Sprint 8.

We can’t wait to get this into your hands when the time comes and see all of your different guild colors throughout the world.

Broker Search Update

The broker will be receiving a lot of attention in Sprint 8, with the addition of many new filters and the ability to narrow down your searches to find exactly what you need.

As we near closer to Sprint 8 we will be able to discuss more details around the specific types of filters we will be adding, however we want to add as many as we can and allow searching for very specific items.

Group Tasks

This part of Sprint 8 will allow you to take a task which, unlike current tasks, will require you to kill multiple different AI in order to complete it.

Currently we are planning to start with one or a few different tasks per dungeon, with the list of AI you are required to kill being a decent amount of regular AI found in the dungeon as well as the boss of that dungeon.

We are also planning to adjust the contribution rates of basic tasks from 25% to be lower, so it is easier for groups of players to earn contribution from the same AI being killed.

We are also tentatively entertaining the idea of adding a basic Party system alongside this, which would allow players to invite eachother to a party to benefit from various different party-wide mechanics. This is not something we will go into detail here however, as it may not be something we decide to do or is needed when the time comes, although we would love to hear your feedback about this!


The Raffle of Caerus is a long-running yearly event occuring within the Tindremic Empire, bringing with it Krampos Buccus, an unusual character.

Another name will be drawn from the urn this year, and much loot will be had by the denizens of Myrland.

If you are interested in the lore surrounding this event, check out this page here on our website!

Mystery Feature

Sprint 8 also includes an extra cherry on top which we are very excited about, however for now it will remain a mystery.


Please keep in mind that as development progresses, any details described above may change or be adjusted where necessary.

Whether you’re a longtime fan of Mortal Online 2 or a newcomer in the world of Nave, dive into the vault with Henrik once a month at 8:00 PM CEST to get your questions answered by the CEO and lead game designer.

 See you in Nave,

The Star Vault Team

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