Flux Botters of Meduli Dungeon


Active member
Dec 2, 2023
So now i'm 100% certain anyone selling an abundance of flux is a cheater.

Yesterday, i went to Meduli dungeon as a spiritist, and went down one of the shaded corridors. Most spiritists avoid the shadow corridors, because you can't use a torch in the spirit world. I go down there, and i see roughly three spiritists farming there.. So, i decide to banish them. I get two of them.. .Then the third tries to banish me, and fails. So we're there shooting at eachother, he tries to summon spirits to try and deal with me that way, but i just move out of range.

Finally.. He just starts to aimbot me with that spirit beam attack. Now, anyone who has used the spirit beam knows, you can't banish people who are not afk.. Like, either they're standing still, or going in a straight line, or it doesn't banish. One slight movement, and it breaks the chain.

This is how i knew for certain they were a cheater.

They very openly and brazenly aimbot banished me, not even caring that i saw.

Stranger still.. Why did the others not react to me banishing them? They very clearly saw me. They didn't move and just allowed me to banish them.

It is because they're using bots to farm flux.

Even when i outed them in the help chat, they were still doing it when i went back. They very clearly feel confident enough that they can just get away with cheating, and even after i report them, they're still there after 24 hours, still doing the exact same thing in the exact same place. Basically, anyone on the market selling and abundance of flux, is more or less certainly a cheater, and this is how they're doing it.
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