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  1. M

    I'm comming back to the Game

    Sometimes I think Henrik is afraid of coming to this Forum ! There are so many things that we, players, usually ask here and they dont deliver... it would be a massacre if he came... "Henry... Why did you deliver cosmetics when we asked for BOATS ?" "Henny, why did you give us a new worthless...
  2. M

    I'm comming back to the Game

    It will be different in 2025 !!! They will give us THIEVING before new continent or other stuff... All we need to do is : Have Faith!!!! Lets gather positive vibes... Conjure positive thoughts !!! Hey Devs, do you feel the good vibes ? Good... now, give us Thieving
  3. M

    I'm comming back to the Game

    I know the numbers on Steam chart arent good for MO2... Sometimes it reaches 900, and then goes back to 671... I know. But theres something, something like a "feeling" that theres a lot of people sometimes.... Just like Teknique said... A sensation of crowd.,,. If theres only like 300 people...
  4. M

    I'm comming back to the Game

    Thats good to hear ! Thanks for the update
  5. M

    I'm comming back to the Game

    Thats very good !! Thanks for the update
  6. M

    I'm comming back to the Game

    Well, thanks... it sounded pretty vague though 😔 I will look for something on my body to cross then, because ive already used all my fingers before.... they re all crossed since 2022... Also, I wonder how is the population these days... I stopped playing in september, last year, and the world...
  7. M

    I'm comming back to the Game

    Thievery ? Where did you read about it being added ? If thats true, ill be 100% back to the game as well !
  8. M

    The Game is Self Defeating

    THATS GREAT ! If you were killed, it means the game is getting back to its core... Danger on every corner when you leave town ! I thought you were gonna say that the game was empty, no players anywhere, but instead, you said you met FIVE TO TEN PKs on the roll ? Amazing ! Let me know if it...
  9. M

    Statue of me in Game

    How come this game still doesnt have THIEVING ? Unbelievable
  10. M

    Why I believe we will see the lowest population ever 60 days post-relics update.

    Exactly... When you expect to see something like THIEVING... They release a new POI instead ! Expect BOATS... you get a new armor set... Expect less guards.... you get MORE GUARDS...outside towns ! I wonder what happens if we start expecting bad stuff... Will they deliver good things ? Hey...
  11. M

    Why I believe we will see the lowest population ever 60 days post-relics update.

    Mwahahah... Agreed ! Carebears 4 life.. Unfortunately, MO2 feels like Trammel nowadays. Whoever played Ultima Online in the past knows exactly what happened to the game when they created Trammel... Same feeling now.
  12. M

    Why I believe we will see the lowest population ever 60 days post-relics update.

    The game is dead because there are guards everywhere ! Inside towns, outside towns, at cemeteries, at fishing camps, at roads, even inside the bathrooms. Please just erase evrything and bring us back the MO2 we had in february 2022 ! And dont forget Thieving. Who wants to play a game with...
  13. M

    Essence Orbs... Really, SV?

    Please, hire new Devs already ! WHy is it so hard to understand ? Just focus on THREE things : 1 - Thievery 2 - Less guards 3 - Ships There you go... That would be a fine warm up,..,,. At least one thousand new players would be granted.
  14. M

    Essence Orbs... Really, SV?

    Man, I thought the same thing. Was gonna reinstall MO1, but then I checked the Steam Charts for Mo1, and it says theres 3 players... Monthly average of 4-5 players... Almost as empty as MO2 nowadays. No point. Also tried to find another full loot MMO in the market, but theres none. Albion has...
  15. M

    Essence Orbs... Really, SV?

    And I thought I was about to return... Was excited, thinking we could get THIEVING before christmas... Unbelievable ! Essence orbs ? Where is "Thieving" ???? Someone please bring back those Devs we had in february 2022. We didnt have thieving back then but at least the game was hardcore...
  16. M


    The moment they apply thieving, I return. If theres no thieving skills, im staying out for good. Screw this Trammel. Game is currently a complete garbage with a thousand guards everywhere... Guard towers in the roads outside towns, teleporting guards inside towns... SCREW THIS. MO2 had much...
  17. M

    Promised content

    I strongly disagree. The game was destroyed the moment they filled the wilderness with guards, especially inside Medulis graveyard. They killed a lot of excitement by doing that. Im sure the game will fill up again when they return to the hardcore mode, without all these ridiculous guards...
  18. M

    Promised content

    My friend, believe me, I know what Im talking about. I have been there, years ago... Same thing happened with Ultima Online. That game was PERFECT... Then World of Warcraft came and UO tried to make something different to be able to compete with that garbage... They created Trammel, to protect...
  19. M

    Promised content

    - Remove 95% of the guards in towns - Remove 100% of guards out of towns - Weaken the guards so that they wont insta kill Do these three things and the game is saved. You will see 5 thousand people playing again. Add thieving and you will see 10 thousand people playing. Easy. Oh... and revert...
  20. M

    Sprints 7 & 8 on Updated Roadmap

    Im only playing this game again when they add Thievery. Accounts are closed at the moment. On the very second they add Thievery, I will 100% sub again.