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  1. B

    Ping question from a potentially returning player.

    Thanks for the replies. I guess we will give it a go.
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    Ping question from a potentially returning player.

    Hi everyone, my wife and I played for a few months prior to the release/wipe, but then got too busy to replay after the release and time just kind of got away from us with this game. I keep meaning to get back into it, but I've heard about their being issues with ping for people outside of...
  3. B

    Population questions

    Thanks for the replies. I am really enjoying the game. It is a really unique experience and I hope they keep the game off the rails, and leave most of the choices to the players. In regards to New World, it feels like Amazon caved in and catered to the masses in what they think they want. It...
  4. B

    Population questions

    What is it now at peak and what do you see it peaking at, at launch? I finally left Haven last night and went to Tindrem. I was surprised to see only 4 other players over the couple of hours that I spent there.
  5. B

    Town Reputation (Possible counter to griefing in Towns)

    Just get rid of combat in towns if this is such a griefing issue then. If guards are broken and cannot be counted on, then just be done with it. But thinking that players have nothing better to do but stand around on guard in an npc town is ridiculous, especially with such a huge map and...
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    I meant that eq had different "servers" for each zone. A better example for mo would be darkfall.
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    Aren't the way these single shard mmos are made, are by weaving many servers together, which each server acting as an area or like a zone from games like everquest?
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    In last oasis, a guild created a wall of crafted vehicles to form a blockade around the node that acts like a heart of a city. They put so many of them up that it caused that specific server to become unstable, so yes a server can crash from too many assets.
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    Theoretically couldn't a group of people build a giant wall of houses that could block off content, if it were far enough, or even worse crash a server from asset overload?
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    MO2 Wiki

    Please...there's a huge difference between knowing how to do basic things so that you have a noob level of understanding basic mechanics; and advanced tactics and master crafting recipes.
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    Quick question regarding it? How will it work. I doubt it will be instanced because i don't think this take will have any. So with it probably being in the open world, will there be limited plots or can you build anywhere? If you can build anywhere, i could imagine all of the added assets in...
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    Fluff stuff?

    Not at the moment, but i'll think about it.
  13. B

    Fluff stuff?

    Thank you all, for the lengthy and well thought out replies. This helped a lot. My only question now, is with the roadmap you provided, what the role playing features that is under construction, entails.
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    Fluff stuff?

    With this game being a sand box, is there going to be anything to do outside of combat and crafting items that help for combat? I find games that lean in a little more in rpg/ lore elements create a bit more immersion and have a longer life spans for me. Thanks...
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    Me and my friends like the game. But paying monthly fees is unrealistic.

    You couldn't be more wrong. It's the best model for an mmorpg. A sub guaranteeing that there will be no cash shop is the best. This way it's fair to everyone and no pay to win. Cash shops are cancer.
  16. B

    I tried to enjoy MO2 REALLY HARD, but I failed...

    Yea, i'm shocked that a group function doesn't exist in this game. It's a core function of any mmorpg.
  17. B

    I tried to enjoy MO2 REALLY HARD, but I failed...

    No, he's right. You calling people mentally ill for killing you in a pvp game, shows your level of maturity and lack of mental fortitude to handle death in an mmo. Bye... you won't be missed.
  18. B

    Quick Build question for mages

    Are non-obese Oghmir mages viable for pvp? I like the idea of a mage Oghmir, but I don't wantto be horse bound. Thanks. P.S. I'm brand new to the game.