
Mortal Online 2


Armor Crafting

Nave is a harsh and unforgiving world. You will not get far without armor to protect your vulnerable body from the lurking dangers that would seek to destroy you.

Armor can be fashioned by a skilled smith from almost any material in the game. Be it reliable steel or cobbled together from the bones and skin of your fallen foes.

Your armor will only protect the part of your body it covers, a full faced helmet might keep your head safe but it will not stop someone or something from hacking your unarmored legs off. 

From the visual shape and style to the density and thickness of both the primary material as well as the padding, you can truly tailor your armor pieces to suit the needs of the wearer.

Weapon Crafting

Weapons are an essential tool on Nave.

As a weaponsmith you will not only be saving the lives of your customers by helping them end that of their foes, but you will likely amass a great wealth doing so.

Whether it be sword, axe, hammer, spear, dagger or pole weapon, one or two handed, each component such as hilts, shafts, handles, heads and grips as well as the material each one is made of are entirely up to you.

Shield Crafting

Whether it is a small and light buckler or a large heavy tower, shields can offer substantial protection at the cost of occupying one of your hands.

Shields can be made in many different shapes and sizes, and from many different woods and materials.

As with every crafted item, different materials will affect a shield’s properties. A large metal shield will offer better coverage and mitigation, but also be heavier and harder to see over than a smaller shield made of less dense materials.


Behind every ingot of metal is a skilled miner who makes his living pulling rock from the ground, crushing, grinding and refining it into the strongest materials on Nave.

Whether you are refining serviceable steel or the elusive Oghmium, mining is the first step and an integral part of the metal production chain.

The process of extracting ore from stone and metal from ore is one requiring both strength and intellect. A strong body is required to haul the rock, but the knowledge of where to find and how to efficiently process it is equally as important. 


Nothing is wasted in Nave.

Every animal, including people, can be killed, skinned and butchered to break down their bodies into valuable raw materials such as skin, hide, fur, teeth, bones, meat and tallow. These can be traded, used in crafting or cooked.  

This can be done either in the field with a skinning knife or at a specialized and less wasteful butcher table after hauling your quarry back to town.


Everyone needs to eat, and remaining well-nourished is an important part of everyday life on Nave.

Almost anything and everything can be used as an ingredient while cooking and you have a large selection of tools to cook them with.

Whether you are simply spit roasting some beef on a fire, carefully measuring out the ideal ratios of flour and milk to bake a cake or fermenting the perfect wine, anyone can cook a simple meal but only dedicated artisans will discover the true depth and countless combinations behind the culinary curtain.

You Are What You Eat

All foods have various realistic properties and will nourish you in different ways.

Eating nothing but butter fried pork will result in weight gain and consequential loss of dexterity, whereas eating too little food will result in weight loss making you not only weaker but also lighter and more dexterous.

Characters can be everything from skeletal to obese and different weight classes will be not only visually reflected on your character but also modify your stats in many ways.

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