- Updated particles that might have caused a crash.
- You can now enlarge the paperdoll to get a better view.
- Made the chat more readable.
- Optimized server code to decrease delta time on the server.
- Upgraded engine to 4.25
- Change sky solution to Epic’s and updated how it works.
- Combat animations are now replicated with better synchronization.
- Added Mercenary armor as new starting equipment.
- Added Hammers.
- Adjusted grip for 1 handed axe handles to maximize their reach.
- All armors have updated meshes and textures.
- Fixed an issue regarding Parry Timings
- Equipping a new weapon while in combat will now draw the new weapon and re-enter combat.
- Improved combat prediction.
- Fixed a lot of getting stuck in trees issues.
- Fixed Invert Alt function.
- Fixed issues with locked frame rates.
- Fixed an issue where weapons breaking didn’t get removed visually.
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the overhead strike to sometimes hit the ground multiple times.
- Made max direction sensitivity to be pixel perfect sensitive.